Using Zapier to Collect Customer Feedback

A high quality customer feedback process ensures that all customer feedback flows into one centralized place. This allows you to make the best use of customer feedback to drive product planning.

For key channels you want your feedback solution to have high quality native integrations. But what about channels that don’t have a native integration?

That’s where a feedback API and Zapier come in!

Key Feedback Channels

Customer feedback comes from many different channels. Key channels include:

  1. Customer success teams

  2. Support team

  3. Sales team

  4. Internal teams

  5. Directly from customers

Depending on the channel the customer feedback likely starts in a different tool. A good customer feedback solution will have navtive integrations that make collecting feedback from that tool completely turn key.

Unfortunately no feedback management system will have integrations with every 3rd party tool or with your own software. That’s where having a feedback API and Zapier save the day.

Team Example Tools Savio


Help Scout

Native integrations


HubSpot CRM

Native integrations and Chrome extension

Internal teams


Native integrations

Directly from customers


Native integrations

Other 3rd party sources

Custom in-app forms
Survey tools
Google Forms

Zapier and API

For high volume channels like your support team it’s super important that your customer feedback management solution has a native integration to make the process as low friction as possible as this will ensure feedback actually gets passed on.

Sending Feedback to Savio via Zapier

If the tool you are trying to collect feedback from already works with Zapier you can easily send it to Savio. The process involves:

  1. Creating a new Zap

  2. Picking the source tool (e.g. Google Sheets)

  3. Picking the destination (Savio)

You can read more about how to use Zapier to send feedback to Savio here.

Any feedback you send to Savio via Zapier gets all of the same benefits as feedback that has been added to Savio via one of our native integrations. You’ll get the same customer feedback triage process and centralized customer feedback views that you get with all of your other feedback.

Last Updated: 2023-04-14

Kareem Mayan

Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.

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