ProductPlan pricing in 2023: How much does ProductPlan cost?

ProductPlan is a software tool that allows organizations to create and share visual roadmaps for their products.

Product managers and development teams use it to plan and communicate the direction and priorities of their products to stakeholders, such as executives and customers. It includes functionality to use data to prioritize new product features.

So how much does ProductPlan cost? And what do users think—is it worth the price?

Here’s everything you need to know about ProductPlan’s pricing and software in 2023.

ProductPlan pricing in 2023

ProductPlan costs:

  • $39/editor/month for the “Basic” plan
  • $69/editor/month for the “Professional” plan

There’s also a custom price for the Enterprise plan.

ProductPlan pricing in January 2023.

Note: ProductPlan uses a “per editor” pricing model, so the real cost of ProductPlan depends on how many of your team members need an editor seat. That means the actual cost is a little opaque—you might not know how much it costs until you’re buying.

What are “editors” and “viewers” in ProductPlan?

ProductPlan charges per editor, while every plan offers unlimited viewers.

Editors can create roadmaps, edit items on a roadmap, evaluate initiatives, and manage permissions. Your Product team members would be editors, and maybe some of your senior Devs would be, too.

Viewers can see roadmaps that have been shared with them and make comments. They aren’t able to make changes to roadmaps. The rest of your team, stakeholders, and maybe even your customers would be viewers.

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Is there a free trial of ProductPlan?

Yes, there’s a 14-day free trial where you have access to all the features. You can sign up without a credit card.

At the end of your trial, your account becomes “view only,” but your data is all stored safely away. If you decide to purchase, you can start right back off where you left off.

Are there discounts?

No, ProductPlan does not offer discounts for startups or non-profits.

Caveat #1: Prices differ based on how you’re billed

The prices above are for annual billing. You’ll pay slightly more for the Basic plan—$49/editor/month—if you pay month-to-month.

The Professional and Enterprise plans are only available on an annual billing schedule.

Caveat #2: Minimum number of users on Professional plan

ProductPlan notes that there is a minimum license purchase that applies to both the Professional and Enterprise plans, but they don’t specify what that minimum number of licenses is.

ProductPlan features—what do you get?

ProductPlan is built to do one thing extremely well: synthesize product strategy into visual roadmaps. That means it takes all the pieces of building a product (or doing some other project), breaks them down into pieces, and assigns them to a timeframe, so you can see who is working on what, and when.

Here’s an example of a ProductPlan roadmap. 

You can break down your product into swimlanes for different categories—teams, product areas, or another group that fits your workflow. You can also include containers, milestones, and tasks.

All three pricing plans allow you to make as many roadmaps as you like. But they differ in the other features. Here are the details.

ProductPlan’s Basic plan—$39/editor/month

The basic plan is for small teams that want to create visual product roadmaps. With the plan, you get:

  • Unlimited Roadmaps
  • Unlimited Viewers
  • Integrations with Jira, Trello, Slack, GitHub, Confluence, and some others
  • Customized roadmap views
  • Access to the in-app knowledge base
  • Basic support

ProductPlan’s Professional plan—$69/editor/month

The professional plan has more features and is better suited for larger teams that want to rally around their product roadmaps. The Professional plan gets you the same features as the basic plan, plus:

  • Some extra views
  • Two-way sync with Jira
  • Some extra integrations: Microsoft Teams, Zapier, Vimeo, and others
  • Activity metrics
  • Access to the REST API
  • Several training sessions and customized onboarding
  • Extra support

ProductPlan’s Enterprise plan—with custom pricing

The enterprise plan is built for large teams with more complex organizational needs. You get all the same features from the previous plans, plus:

  • Customized terms of service
  • More flexible payment options
  • More training options
  • Better support

ProductPlan pricing calculator

ProductPlan’s cost depends on how many people are using it and the features you need. So what would you really pay? Here are some scenarios depending on your team size.

Scenario 1: You’re a small team with 3 Editors

Say you’re a startup, and you want 3 editor seats—one for your PM, your Dev lead, and your marketing lead. You want each of these people to be able to create and edit roadmaps.

ProductPlan: You would just need the “Basic” plan—it would cover your basic feature needs and your small team. For the three editor seats, it would cost you $1,404 per year.

Scenario 2: You’re a larger company with 15 Makers

Say you’re a bit larger, and you’re looking for 15 editor seats. You also want to be able to use the two-way sync with Jira, as well as connect through other apps through Zapier.

ProductPlan: You would just need the “Professional” plan—it would cover your basic feature needs and your small team. For the 15 editor seats, it would cost you $12,420 per year.

So, is ProductPlan worth it?

Most ProductPlan users give it pretty good marks—4.4 out of 5 on Capterra. Below, we’ve collected some of the pros and cons of ProductPlan.

ProductPlan Pros

Users really like the design and how it gives Product and Development teams a central visual plan around which to unify. It makes it easy for all stakeholders to know what’s being built and what’s coming down the pipeline.

Specific pros include:

  • Ease of use
  • Great UI and graphics
  • Flexible roadmap views
  • Easy to export and distribute to stakeholders
  • Fairly simple to use—little training required to get started
  • Lots of roadmap templates to get you started
  • Great support

Here’s a positive ProductPlan review from Arjun J. on Capterra.

ProductPlan Cons

Some users had some issues with ProductPlan, including that it is too simple for some uses. Some of the common cons noted by users include:

  • Can’t upload project data from a spreadsheet
  • You can’t assign resource budgets or project spends roadmap items
  • Limited ability to create outputs for presentations
  • Lacks a rollback feature to correct mistakes
  • Poor value for money—it’s relatively expensive for the value it provides
  • Limited integrations

Thomas V.’s review of ProductPlan on Capterra describes how he is not sure that ProductPlan provides enough added value to warrant this extra tool.

Here’s another thing that ProductPlan is missing: feedback. Collecting customer feedback is critical to building a better product. It helps you identify the new features that your users are asking for, so you can build them and keep your customers happy.

ProductPlan lets you prioritize features, but there’s no way to collect feature requests from your communication channels and pull those into ProductPlan.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

Are there alternatives to ProductPlan?

Absolutely—lots of them.

ProductPlan’s main feature is a roadmapping tool. Here are a number of other tools that help you create internal and external roadmaps to align your team around building a better product:

  • Craft is a suite of product management software that could be a good alternative to ProductPlan. See more about features and pricing details here.
  • Sleekplan. Sleekplan integrates product roadmaps with customer feedback, changelogs, and CSAT surveys. Get more details on features and pricing here.
  • Hellonext. Hellonext allows organizations to collect customer feedback, prioritize product ideas, and create roadmaps. See more details on features and pricing here.
  • Roadmunk. Is another project management software tool that pairs feedback with a visual product roadmap. We’ve collected features and pricing info here.
  • Aha!. Aha is a suite of tools built to make product development more collaborative. Aha! Roadmaps is the most direct competitor of ProductPlan. Read about Aha! pricing here.

We’ve also included a short list of roadmapping software here, in our list of customer feedback management tools—check it out for more ProductPlan alternatives.

Read more:

Savio centralize feedback from anywhere

Savio pulls feedback in from all your channels—your customer support tool, your CRM, Slack, email—wherever. If we don’t have a native integration for the app your team uses, the Chrome extension is your answer for any web app. If that doesn’t work, you can probably connect through Zapier. And if none of those options work, we’ve got you covered with our API.

Savio centralizes feedback from any channel.

Savio funnels all your feedback into a single place.

Organize and segment your feedback and feature requests

Once you’ve got your big backlog of product ideas and feature requests, you have to decide which to build—and which to build first.

Savio makes it easy to find your highest-impact features by filtering and sorting your feature requests to see what different customer segments are asking for. For example, quickly find out:

  • What your highest MRR customers think of your product
  • What features your churned customers were asking for
  • What feedback prospects are leaving for your sales team
  • What customers on your free plan say they would pay for

fr-list-sorted-revenueFilter and sort your Savio vault of feedback and feature requests to find features with high cumulative MRR.

This allows you to find and prioritize the features that would have the biggest impact on your customers.

Hint:* This system is better than ProductPlan’s prioritization process because it puts your customer data at the heart of your development process.*

Savio unites your team around your customers

ProductPlan gives you a visual roadmap that tells your teams where you’re going. But it doesn’t tell them why you’re going there.

Savio does. Share customer feedback with your stakeholders (via email or Slack updates) to keep everyone on the same page about what your customers are asking for. Then, use your feedback data to justify prioritization decisions or advocate for features.

Use customer feedback data from Savio to explain roadmap decisions or to advocate for some features over others.

When there is a single source of truth for the voice of the customer, it’s easier to align your teams and resolve roadmap disagreements.

Build loyalty and reduce churn by closing the loop

When you build a new feature, close the loop: Follow up with the customers that asked for the feature to let them know that you listened to them and built what they asked for.

This is a simple step, but it’s deceptively powerful. Closing the loop is how you turn happy customers into advocates of your app.

Savio makes it easy to close the loop—it’s literally just a couple clicks.

Send close-the-loop emails in Savio with just a few clicks.

The takeaway: ProductPlan is a simple roadmapping tool

ProductPlan takes all the pieces of your development process and organizes them into a tidy roadmap master plan. That unites your team on a single vision and helps your stakeholders and customers understand what you’re going to build next.

It’s a great tool for roadmapping. But unfortunately, it leaves a big hole where customer feedback and feature requests should be.


Savio can fill that gap. Savio is a lightweight—but powerful—way to centralize your customer feedback so you know what they want out of your product. Then, you can use it to slice and dice your data and identify the best features to build next. At that point, stick them in ProductPlan on your roadmap, and you’re good to go.

Want to see what Savio can do and how it could fit with ProductPlan?

Take it for a test drive. Try Savio, free.

Last Updated: 27-04-2023

Kareem Mayan

Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.

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Prioritize high-value Feature Requests

Centralize customer feedback from HubSpot, Intercom, and Slack.

Prioritize high-value features sorted by churned revenue or MRR.

Close the loop for Sales and CS by automating status updates from JIRA.

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Centralize, Organize, and Prioritize Your GTM Team Feature Requests

Centralize customer Feature Requests from Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more.