Enterprise Feedback Management Software Tools for Growing and Future-Proofing Your Business

What is enterprise feedback management (EFM)?

Enterprise feedback management (EFM) describes the process of companies collecting, analyzing, and using customer feedback. It’s often an active process—enterprises develop surveys and share them with customers to elicit opinions on specific questions. But it can also include management of feedback received passively or without seeking it.

Skip to the EFM software tools!

The key steps in an enterprise feedback management loop are:

  1. Collect customer feedback. First, you solicit the feedback you need from your customers.

  2. Analyzing feedback data. Then, you look at the data and take actionable insights from it. Here, you can also enrich the feedback with other customer data from your CRM.

  3. Taking action. Next, you use the insights you gleaned from your customer data to make business decisions about strategy and take action.

  4. Closing the feedback loop. Once you act, you should follow up with your customers (and ask for more feedback).

  5. Measuring impact. Finally, you can review the result of your decisions and measure the impact of your customer data.

Benefits of enterprise feedback management

EFM is a lot of work—so why bother?

Here are some of the benefits of EFM:

  • Evidence-based strategy. Customer feedback gives you the power to make strategy decisions based on clear data.

  • Better products. A well-informed strategy leads you to build better products and improve your services.

  • Increased sales. When you have better products, it’s easier to sell your products. That means more sales and higher revenue.

  • Increased customer retention. Listening to customer feedback helps you build customer relationships. That means greater loyalty—and reduced churn.

  • Better reviews. Listening to your customers means greater customer satisfaction. So you’ll get less negative feedback and see more positive reviews of your products.

  • Future-proofing. Understanding trends in your customer needs helps you stay nimble and continue to make your products relevant. Ultimately, that helps you ensure you continue to attract customers for years to come.

Challenges for enterprises collecting feedback

Establishing a robust system for tracking feedback is difficult for any company. But large enterprise companies have some additional challenges.

  • More feedback. Large companies have more customers and receive more feedback. They need a system that can accommodate that large volume of feedback—a simple spreadsheet won’t work at that scale.

  • More channels. The number of feedback channels tends to increase as a company’s size increases. And as it is increasingly common to implement omnichannel commerce strategies that integrate multiple channels, feedback systems need to become omnichannel as well.

  • More coordination. Large companies need to involve more teams in feedback collection. They need to communicate not just among Product teams, but also with Customer Success, Customer Support, Sales, Engineering, Marketing, Analytics, and even Executives.

  • More distance. In small startups, often the person hearing a customer’s feedback is the person that can act on it. But with enterprises, the individual responsible for acting on feedback is often far removed from the feedback. This means that it’s critical to clearly communicate insights from customer feedback to other internal stakeholders.

The trick to overcoming those challenges and building an effective customer feedback management system is finding the right software tool for your needs.

What is enterprise feedback management software?

EFM software is a category of software tools that help enterprises collect, manage, and use customer feedback. Depending on the use case they’re designed for, EFMs can collect a range of different kinds of user feedback and customer experience data—everything from net promoter score (NPS) ratings to usability testing metrics to feature requests. The category includes enterprise survey software, live chat software, feature voting board tools, and usability testing tools.

EFM tools are distinct from other customer feedback tools and feature request apps because they’re designed to work at scale to accommodate feedback from thousands of customers.

Key features of EFM software

Some of the specific features of an EFM solution include:

  • Collection tools. EFMs typically contain a range of tools for collecting customer feedback, from voting boards to various types of surveys (NPS, customer satisfaction surveys (CSATs), customer effort scores (CES), and more) to behaviour analytics.

  • Customer segmentation. A critical piece of the feedback puzzle is knowing which customers think what. EFMs often let you slice and dice your data by customer segments and do advanced analytics.

  • Integrations and APIs. EFMs are often designed to link neatly to the other tools enterprises use. Not always though—sometimes, they expect your Dev team to build connections with your other tools using an API.

  • Close the loop. One of the key steps in the feedback loop is following up with customers once you act on their feedback. EFMs often offer tools for you to easily reach out to your customers and tell them you did what they asked.

How to choose an EFM software tool

Given the massive variety of features that tools offer, how can you choose the best one for you? Consider the following factors.

  • Scalability. Make sure the tool you choose can scale to accommodate your company’s growth over time, especially if you are growing quickly.

  • Ease of use. The best tools will have an intuitive user interface that your team can learn to use quickly. Evaluate the UI when you do a demo or free trial.

  • Data collection. Ideally, you’ll be able to centralize your feedback data from everywhere it comes in. Tools that can’t centralize feedback data create silos, which makes it harder to use your feedback data.

  • Workflow management. Your feedback tool should fit easily into everyone’s workflow. Ideally, customer-facing teams will be able to automate feedback management and log feedback without switching tools.

9 Top enterprise feedback management software tools

Looking to find the perfect tool for your company? Here are the 9 top EFM software tools, including what they’re designed to do, their main features, and their pros and cons.

  1. Savio

  2. UserVoice

  3. Survicate

  4. Qualaroo

  5. Hotjar

  6. Qualtrics

  7. Salesforce feedback management

  8. UserReport

  9. Crowdsignal

1. Savio

Savio is a powerful tool that empowers product teams at B2B SaaS companies to build evidence-based roadmaps from customer feedback. Its power comes from attaching customer attributes—like MRR, plan, and more—to feedback and feature requests so you can quickly find your high-impact features and put them on your roadmap.

Omnichannel feedback: Savio centralizes feedback in one place

Savio is like a Swiss Army knife—it can bring in feedback from anywhere you get it. Native integrations make it easy to pull in feedback from the tools you already use, like Intercom, Salesforce, Hubspot CRM, Zendesk, and Slack. Or, send customer feedback to your Savio vault using the Chrome extension and public voting board.

Omnichannel feedback: Savio collects and centralizes feedback from all your channels.

Customer segmentation: Savio slices and dices feedback by customer attribute

Savio slices and dices your feedback by customer attributes. That gives you deep visibility into the voice of your customer for different segments. For example, it lets you understand:

  • What changes to your product are most desired by all customers

  • What features have the highest cumulative MRR attached to them

  • What feedback your enterprise customers are giving you

  • What kinds of customers are most happy with your product

  • What your churned customers were asking for

And more.

Here, we’ve filtered and sorted to find features with a cumulative MRR over $1,500.

With this powerful segmentation, you can quickly find and prioritize the highest-value features or actions to take to improve your product.

Roadmaps: Savio unites your team around your customers

Dealing with any project requires multidisciplinary teams, which may have diverging opinions about what changes to make to your products or services. Savio helps you unite your team around a common product vision with roadmaps.

Savio product roadmap screenshotSavio roadmaps help you explain what your product strategy is and why you made the choices you did.

Roadmaps help you communicate your product strategy with your team, execs, and customers. But it also allows you to quickly provide the context that you need to justify product decisions. Each card on your Roadmap has revenue and qualitative customer insights available in a single click. That helps your execs, team, and customers understand why you prioritized the features you did.

Close the feedback loop: Quickly follow up with customers

Most EFMs stop after they act on feedback—but that’s a step too soon. You want to get credit for listening to your customers and making the changes they ask for.

Savio lets you send personalized messages to customers to close the feedback loop and let them know when you make a change that they requested. This is a powerful way to build loyalty and increase customer retention.

Send personalized close-the-loop emails with Savio in just a few clicks.

Savio features

  • Log feedback and feature requests from anywhere, including voting boards

  • Enrich feedback data with customer attributes from your single source of truth

  • Slice and dice feedback and feedback and feature requests by customer segment

  • See and prioritize your highest-impact requests

  • Build and share evidence-based roadmaps

  • Sync with your development tools

  • Send personalized close-the-loop emails


  • You can collect feedback from all of your channels in a single place

  • Segmentation gives you a powerful way to find high-impact features so you know how best to improve your product

  • Evidence-based public roadmaps help you keep teams, stakeholders, and customers aligned

  • Public voting boards let your customers leave feedback whenever they like

  • Closing the loop helps you increase customer loyalty and reduce churn


  • No support for multiple languages

  • Savio can be used to collect survey results but doesn’t send surveys itself

How much does Savio cost?

Savio currently starts at $39/m (+$23/m for additional editors. See current pricing and plans here.

Want to see how it works?

Schedule a demo of Savio. Or, take it for a spin: try Savio for free →

2. UserVoice

UserVoice was a pioneer of feature request tracking and dropped the industry’s first feature voting board. It continues to provide a feedback solution that’s popular among enterprises.

Read more: Savio vs. UserVoice


  • Collect feedback through a feedback portal, in-app widget, and sidebar

  • Connect feedback with customer data in Salesforce

  • Advanced segmentation of feedback data

  • Set status updates for features

  • Zendesk integration

  • Microsurvey tools


  • Easy to view the features most requested by customers

  • Flexible collection methods let you centralize feedback easily

  • Segmentation lets you take action to target your high-value customers

  • Connections to Dev tools help you coordinate your engineering team


  • Roadmaps are only internal; you can’t share them publicly

  • Your feature voting board may bias the data you get

  • You can only pull in customer data from Salesforce; if you use another CRM tool, you’re out of luck

  • You can’t send personalized close-the-loop messages

How much does UserVoice cost?

UserVoice pricing depends on the features you need and the number of users providing feedback. It costs $699/m to collect feedback from 200 users and $1,349/m to collect feedback from 5,000 users. The enterprise plan offers advanced security and support—talk to their sales team for a price.

Read more: 13 UserVoice Competitors that Will Save Your SaaS Startup $17,000 a Year

3. Survicate

Survicate is a product feedback tool that helps you get user feedback through in-product surveys. It integrates natively with CRM, Analytics, and Customer Support tools. You can run surveys on websites, SMS, mobile apps, emails, and links.


  • Many templates and survey question types, including NPS, CSAT, CES, and 12 others

  • Distribute emails in many channels, including in-product, mobile app, website, email, SMS, and via direct links

  • Send surveys via 35 popular email providers including HubSpot and Mailchimp

  • You can customize the look and feel of your survey without coding

  • Built-in reporting and analytics


  • Many survey distribution channels give you tons of flexibility

  • Simple customizations give you the power to brand your surveys how you like

  • 23 native, one-click integrations, including Segment, Mixpanel, and Amplitude make it easy to build streamlined workflows

  • You get all the survey tool features on the free plan

  • You also get unlimited seats with any plan


  • You have to send Survicate surveys through your own email distribution tool

  • Doesn’t offer product roadmapping tools to connect feedback to your product strategy (instead, it lets you do that through integrations with product management tools).

How much does Survicate cost?

Survicate offers a free plan that lets you try out all the features. The plans go up to the Scaling plan for enterprises, which is $299 per month. See the details on Survicate’s pricing page.

4. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a user feedback software system that collects feedback from your site visitors or product users. It collects feedback data primarily through a widget integrated into your website or app.


  • Multiple survey templates

  • Targets users based on behaviour and demographics

  • Customize survey look and feel to match your brands

  • Artificial intelligence sentiment analysis


  • Questions are contextualized to get the most relevant data

  • Exit feedback surveys help you understand customer satisfaction and the reasons behind low conversion rates

  • You can collect feedback on your product as well as on the content of your site


  • You can’t collect other types of customer feedback—only survey responses

  • You can’t centralize feedback from other channels into Qualaroo

  • There’s no public or private product roadmapping tool

  • You can’t close the loop with users when you act on their feedback

How much does Qualaroo cost?

For both email and contextual (in-app and on-website) surveys, pricing plans start at $79/m. The Business plan, with enterprise features, costs $299+/m.

5. Hotjar

Hotjar is a heatmap behaviour analysis platform built to help you understand the user experience of your site or app. It lets you record screens and gives you heatmaps so you can visualize the behaviour of your users.


  • Heatmaps

  • Screen recordings

  • Surveys

  • Feedback widgets

  • Interview recruitment


  • Lets you see how your users interact with your site and where they get frustrated

  • Contextual feedback helps you get more responses

  • Lets you see how your page or app is performing on different devices

  • Can be scaled up to hundreds of thousands of recordings a month


  • You can’t centralize feedback from other sources, like Intercom, inside Hotjar

  • You can’t easily organize and manage feature requests

  • You can’t build product roadmaps

  • You can’t connect feedback to your product development tools

  • You can’t close the loop on customer feedback from Hotjar

How much does Hotjar cost?

There are separate plans for observing behaviour, surveys and feedback, and interviews. For observing behaviour, there’s a free plan with limited features and up to 35 sessions per day. Plans go up to the Scale plan, with a custom price.

6. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is an online survey, data collection, and analysis platform. Businesses, academic researchers, and government agencies use it to gather customer feedback, employee feedback, and insights from other stakeholders.


  • Customizable survey templates

  • Advanced reporting and analytics

  • Automates survey creation

  • Predictive intelligence

  • Research services


  • It can be flexibly used for customer surveys, employee experience, and more

  • You can generate product surveys that ask about potential features

  • You can scale Qualtrics to very large organizations

  • You can engage in deep social listening across all your social media channels


  • You can’t centralize feedback from other sources, like Intercom, inside Qualtrics

  • You can’t easily organize and manage feature requests separate from other survey data

  • You can’t build product roadmaps inside Qualtrics

  • You can’t connect feature requests to your product development tools

  • You can’t close the loop on customer feedback from Qualtrics

How much does Qualtrics cost?

Qualtrics offers a number of different products and doesn’t list prices publicly. Contact their sales department for details.

7. Salesforce feedback management

Salesforce is best known as a CRM, but they also recently launched a feedback management suite. The tool allows you to understand user experience by capturing contextual feedback using surveys.


  • Surveys

  • Post-chat surveys

  • Merge fields

  • Customer lifecycle analytics

  • Customer lifecycle maps


  • Send customers surveys after they interact with your service team members

  • Advanced analytics let you understand trends and monitor engagement over time

  • Connect your survey data to your CRM customer data and source of truth


  • You can’t collect any other types of data except through surveys

  • You can’t centralize feedback from other apps inside Salesforce feedback management

  • There aren’t any roadmapping tools

  • You can’t easily prioritize feedback or feature requests

  • You can’t easily send feature requests to your product development tools

  • You can’t automate closing the feedback loop when you address feedback

How much does Salesforce feedback management cost?

The Starter plan is $12,000/m, for 100,000 survey respondents, post-chat surveys, and other features. The Growth plan is $42,000 per month and gets you customer lifecycle maps.

See more details on Salesforce Feedback management license costs here.

8. UserReport

UserReport is a feedback and survey platform for website owners and digital publishers. The platform allows website owners to collect feedback from their visitors, understand customer needs and preferences, and make data-driven decisions to improve the user experience. It has very simple feedback management features but also offers more detailed information about audiences that are useful for large brands and media companies.


  • Survey widget

  • Feedback widget

  • Campaign validation tools


  • The survey widget can help you understand your user demographics

  • You can use the feedback widget to collect feature requests

  • Users vote on features, helping you see what’s popular and prioritize

  • It can help you optimize your content based on your audience


  • You can’t collect feedback using any channels besides the widgets

  • You can’t centralize feedback from other apps inside UserReport

  • You can’t build roadmaps or other visual product strategy documents inside the app

  • You can’t close the feedback loop

How much does UserReport cost?

The widgets are free. They also offer a “Premium” plan that offers more features for helping you showcase your audience to advertisers, but the price isn’t public.

9. Crowdsignal

Crowdsignal is a polling and survey platform. It lets you create polls, surveys, and quizzes that you can share on WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, or via email. It has tools to quickly visualize survey results.


  • Multiple survey and poll templates

  • Flexible branding and UI

  • Data analysis and report dashboards

  • Support for multiple languages


  • It’s simple and fast to build surveys

  • Great look and feel for brand searches

  • Easy exports to Excel and Google Sheets

  • You can share and embed surveys on any channel

  • Support for multiple languages makes it appropriate for large global brands


  • You can’t collect feedback using any other tools besides surveys and polls

  • You can’t centralize feedback from other apps inside Crowdsignal

  • You can’t connect to customer data or slice and dice based on customer segments

  • You can’t build roadmaps or product strategy

  • You can’t prioritize feature requests

  • You can’t close the feedback loop

How much does Crowdsignal cost?

There’s a free plan with basic features. Plans go up to the Team plan for $29/m/user.

Choose the right tool, maximize feedback, and nail your strategy

Customer feedback helps you attract more customers and keep the ones you already have.

To future-proof your enterprise, It’s crucial you collect and use customer feedback.

EFM software tools help you do that.

Savio is unique in that it helps you centralize the feedback you get from all your sources into one place (bye-bye silos 👋).

Then, enrich that feedback with your customer data and build evidence-based product strategies so you delight your customers, improve acquisition, and reduce churn.

Try Savio (free) today.

Or, schedule a demo (with yours truly) and I’ll take you through all the features.

Read next: How to Set Up a Feedback Tracking System That Really Works

Last Updated: 2023-04-28

Kareem Mayan

Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.

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