10 Best In-App Feedback Tools

You already know customer feedback is critical to collect. It helps you make a better product.

The challenge is in the details: How to track customer feedback? How do you respond to it? How do you use it to prioritize and make product development decisions?

And one of the biggest questions: Where and when should you collect it?

For SaaS companies, one of the most important places to collect customer feedback is while your users are actually in your app.

Here, I’ll explain the “why” of collecting in-app feedback and then share my top in-app feedback tools on the market, along with their pros, cons, and pricing.

Why collect in-app feedback

In-app feedback is useful because it gives you the opportunity to understand how your users are feeling as they are using your product. It’s contextualized feedback. That offers several advantages:

  • Usability. This kind of feedback is especially useful for evaluating usability and satisfaction with your product. It can also give you actionable strategies to improve a specific feature.
  • Reliability. In-app feedback can also be more reliable. Because it’s instantaneous, it’s less affected by noise or other factors that could influence a user’s report of their experience.
  • Response rates. In-app feedback tends to get quite high response rates, making it an effective way to understand the opinion of a cross-section of your users. This is partly because it’s convenient—customers are less likely to leave feedback if they have to leave the application and access another channel to do so.
  • Low effort. In-app feedback is generally quite easy to collect—as long as you have the right tools.

Top in-app feedback tools

Gathering in-app feedback requires that you think carefully about needs and find the appropriate tools. Here are the in-app feedback tools I think are most useful across a variety of use cases, together with their key features.

1. Savio

A screenshot of Savio's homepageSavio is our feedback collection and feature request tracking tool. It’s lightweight but also powerful: it can centralize and log your feedback from anywhere, slice and dice your data to help you understand what your highest-value customers want, and then sync up to your dev process so you can update features’ statuses as they move through your dev process.

Savio also makes it easy to prioritize, find the highest-impact features, and then close the loop with your customers when you build those features.

The problem with in-app tools is that they often silo off your data (boo). Savio was built based on the premise that it’s better to see all your feedback in one place. Instead of using Savio in-app, you can build an in-app widget to your exact specifications, and log that feedback to your Savio vault where it lives alongside product feedback from your support tool, CRM, email, and other sources.

You can get in-app feedback to Savio in three ways:

  • Build your own widget and log it directly to Savio via the Savio API
  • Use another tool (like the ones listed below) and log it in Savio via the Savio API
  • Use another tool and log it in Savio via the Savio Zapier integration

Key features

  • Log your feedback from any other tool with native integrations, a Chrome extension, Zapier integration, and more.
  • Categorize product feedback into feature requests
  • Easily slice and dice your data to prioritize based on what your high-value customers want
  • Sync feature status with Dev tools like Jira and Shortcut
  • Easily share feedback with your other teams and stakeholders
  • Capture feature requests on a public voting board (that minimizes bias)
  • Easily close the loop with customers


  • Connects to all your tools so feedback isn’t siloed
  • Powerful segmentation lets you find the highest-impact features
  • You always know what to build next
  • It’s easy to keep your customers in the loop


  • Logging feedback from in your app requires some dev resources


Savio offers a free trial for all plans (no credit card required). Plans start at $39 per month.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

2. UserReport

UserReport offers a suite of tools that help you understand who your users are and what they want to achieve. It’s primarily designed for media companies and large advertisers, like telecom companies.

UserReport offers two main widgets that you can embed into your app or website. The first is a survey tool that can tell you about your user demographics, ask about customer satisfaction metrics like net promoter score (NPS), and integrate with Google analytics. The second is a feedback widget that you can use to collect product ideas, feature requests, and bug reports. There’s also a premium subscription that’s useful for publishers who want to understand their audiences.

Key features

  • In-app survey widget
  • In-app feedback and bug report widget
  • Integration with Google Analytics


  • Users can vote on features to help you prioritize what to build next
  • Gather a number of different kinds of user engagement metrics
  • Integration with tools like Google Analytics
  • NPS can be segmented by user demographics


  • Limited reporting ability
  • You can’t centralize your feedback or feature requests from other channels
  • Difficult to segment your feedback beyond demographic data
  • You can’t follow up with customers or close the feedback loop


The survey and feedback widgets are free. UserReport’s premium plan gives you additional features designed to give large publishers more ability to understand their audiences. Pricing for the premium features isn’t available.

3. Instabug

Instabug is a suite of tools designed to help you get user feedback on your mobile application’s performance and stability. The product has three primary functions: bug reporting, crash reporting, and app performance monitoring. In addition to these, Instabug offers a survey feature and even a service where you can receive feedback from testers or live users.

Key features

  • Bug reports
  • Performance and stability tracking
  • Alerts and in-app messaging
  • Debugging tools
  • Feedback surveys (on the premium plan)


  • Great for identifying bugs and issues with your app
  • Two-way communication with users or testers via in-app chat
  • Detailed insights into performance and stability


  • In-app surveys are only available on the premium account
  • Limited survey functionality
  • Not great for tracking feature requests or product feedback
  • Can’t easily close the loop


To get the ability to send surveys and receive customer feedback, you would need to get on the Premium plan, which has a custom price. You’d need to talk to their Sales team.

4. UserVoice

UserVoice is one of the classic feature request apps for software companies. Historically, it offered only very limited functionality—essentially just a public feature voting board. However, recently they’ve expanded their product feature set and now offer the ability to collect product feedback via an in-app feedback widget.

Read more: Savio vs. UserVoice: The Best Alternative to Uservoice to Track Feature Requests

Key features

  • A feedback portal to house your user feedback and feature requests
  • Collect feedback from Slack and Zendesk
  • Segment feedback data and NPS to understand who wants what
  • Public product roadmaps
  • Chat directly with customers


  • Good ability to segment your feedback helps you make more use of it
  • You can bring in feedback from other tools
  • Agents can be easily assigned to tickets so that it is clear who is responding to which feedback ticket.


  • The voting board may unintentionally bias your feedback
  • The in-app widget is very simple and lacks functionality that other options have
  • UserVoice is much more expensive than its competitors for not many more features


UserVoice is priced very high. Currently, the cheapest plan costs $699 per month, but it costs $899 per month to get the in-app widget feature. That’s just under $12,000 a year.

Read more: 13 UserVoice Competitors that Will Save You $11,000 a Year

5. Apptentive

Apptentive is a customer feedback management tool that helps measure shifts in customer sentiment using an embeddable survey widget. It allows you to capture in-app feedback across the customer journey and offers actionable feedback you can take to increase retention. The tool is designed to help brands manage their reputation, prioritize features on their product roadmaps, and measure the customer experience on a daily basis.

Key features

  • Real-time feedback across mobile channels
  • Send NPS and customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT)
  • Dashboards for analytics to help decision-making


  • Features are optimized for mobile devices and apps
  • You can track changes in user experience and customer sentiment
  • Accessible dashboards with useful visualizations
  • You can segment feedback based on customer profiles
  • You can easily close the loop


  • You can’t easily centralize feedback from Apptentive into other tools or bring feedback from other tools into Apptentive
  • You can’t easily track feature requests across the development cycle
  • Your customers can’t post their feature requests on a voting board or vote for other requests
  • It’s not easy to prioritize feedback and identify new features with the highest impact.


A free 30-day trial is available, but there is no public information on what it costs.

6. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a widely used software for simple online surveys. Its interface is easy to use but it also offers more sophisticated question piping as well. SurveyMonkey also lets you gather feedback right in your app with the mobile SDK product.

Key features

  • Offers pre-set questions and templates
  • Automatic analysis of results
  • Integration with Zapier, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and other popular tools
  • Triggers let you survey app users at key moments


  • Simplified app experience helps increase response rate
  • You can gather real-time data to quickly take action
  • You can develop and deploy customer surveys quickly
  • Surveys can be easily shared via links, social media, website embedding, and emails


  • You can’t easily centralize feedback in SurveyMonkey
  • Limited ability to segment data based on customer attributes like MRR
  • Doesn’t let your customers interact with or vote for feature requests from others
  • Not easy to close the feedback loop


The basic plan starts at $25 per month. For more sophisticated survey logic, sentiment analysis, and other advanced features it costs $75 per month.

7. Pendo

Pendo offers a suite of tools aimed at helping you make your software better and improving the user experience. One of those tools is a product feedback software tool that helps you capture product feedback and feature requests.

Key features

  • Feedback data analytics
  • Customer journey analysis
  • Visualization of trends by segment
  • Report sharing


  • Segmentation allows you to find what your highest-value customers want
  • You have analytics tools for your customer usage and feedback data
  • Sentiment analysis lets you see how your customers feel about your product
  • Customizable dashboards


  • Not easy to centralize feedback from other sources
  • The voting boards can unintentionally bias feedback
  • Not easy to close the loop with customers


Pricing is not available on their website—you have to talk to their sales team for pricing info.

8. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a product with several features that help you gather customer and user feedback in your app. It offers a number of different types of surveys, including exit surveys and user experience insights to understand user satisfaction.

Key features

  • Exit feedback surveys help you understand why prospects don’t convert
  • Sentiment analysis tracks user sentiment as they use your app
  • AI-powered analytics and reports
  • Branching logic allows more sophisticated survey questions


  • Target specific users at the right time to obtain useful insights
  • Can generate high response rates
  • Can segment responses for deeper analysis


  • You can’t centralize feedback or feature requests from other sources
  • It’s not easy to follow up once you address a person’s feedback
  • Customers can’t upvote feature requests from others


Qualaroo starts at $80 per month for the Essentials plan, but that doesn’t give you access to the tool in your app. For the in-app tool, you need the Premium plan at $160 per month.

9. Delighted

Delighted is a self-service experience management platform that develops surveys to drive business growth with actionable feedback. You can customize and send NPS, CSAT, product/market fit surveys (PMF), and customer effort score surveys (CES) quickly and automatically.

Key features

  • Templates make it easy to quickly send surveys
  • 5 delivery methods include an iOS SDK for embedding surveys in your mobile app
  • Automated surveying prevents respondents from being over-surveyed
  • Analytics tools and dashboards help you draw quick insights


  • Easy to use and send simple surveys
  • Intuitive reporting and performance metrics
  • Easy to close the loop with customers
  • Captures responses in context for more accuracy


  • Doesn’t offer complex surveying logic or options
  • Few integration options limit ability to centralize feedback
  • Users can’t upvote feature requests from others
  • Can’t segment data based on customer value metrics like MRR


The free plan gives you access to one delivery platform, one project, and one survey template. If you need more, you would need at least the Premium plan, at $224 per month.

10. Survicate

Survicate is another survey tool that lets you gather continuous customer insights. It automates customer feedback collection and analysis, and sends your data to the analytics tools you already use.

Key features

  • Event-triggered emails let you ask customers questions at the right moment
  • Generate reports automatically and send them to your inbox
  • Email surveys that customers can answer directly by email or via a link
  • Follow-up campaigns with native integrations
  • Integrations with HubSpot CRM, Google Analytics, Intercom, and many more apps


  • Track customer experience over time
  • Minimal development time required
  • Create and edit surveys without needing to update your app
  • Choose from a wealth of question types including NPS, CSAT, and CES


  • You can’t centralize feedback and feature requests from other apps
  • Not easy to prioritize feature requests using Survicate
  • Customers can’t upvote feature requests of others
  • Poor segmentation of feedback based on customer attributes like MRR


Survicate’s paid plans start at $89 per month.

Centralize your in-app feedback

In-app customer feedback tools can be a great way to get useful customer feedback. But it’s not the only place your feedback is coming from.

  • Your customer support or CS team is also going to get it through your customer service communication tool
  • Your Sales team is going to get it and will probably log it in the CRM they’re using
  • Your product managers might be getting it from customer calls, interviews, or focus groups
  • Your Product team might even be getting feedback and feature requests via email

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

Want to see it in action? Try Savio for free (no credit card required).

Last Updated: 2023-04-27

Kareem Mayan

Kareem is a co-founder at Savio. He's been prioritizing customer feedback professionally since 2001. He likes tea and tea snacks, and dislikes refraining from eating lots of tea snacks.

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