How To Set Up Savio—the First 5 Minutes

Savio makes it really easy to collect and organize your feedback so that you can make better product decisions.

If you’re taking Savio for a test drive, you probably want to see how you can use it to do those things: collect feedback, organize it, and use it to prioritize your feature requests. This article is a quick start guide to help you do that.

We’ll cover everything you should do in the first 5 minutes:

  1. Set up your first feedback source

  2. Send a piece of test feedback

  3. Triage your first piece of feedback

  4. View the feature request details page

  5. Filter your features to prioritize them and run your product meeting

  6. Set up your MRR attribute

  7. Close the loop

  8. Invite your team

Let’s dive in.

Read more: How To Be Successful with Savio

1. Set up your first feedback source

You know where your customers give you feedback, so you just need to connect that feedback channel with Savio. You may even have a number of different feedback channels. The first thing you should do to use Savio is pick the main way (or ways) you receive feedback and then map it to Savio.

Here is a list of the main ways our users receive feedback and the corresponding connection with Savio. Follow the link to find instructions for linking that feedback source with Savio.

Note: If relevant, it’s best to integrate one of the following tools for your first Savio experience: Intercom, Zendesk, and Help Scout. That way, Savio will pull in all your customers and their attributes with the integration. That will allow you to see the power of filtering feature requests and feedback based on MRR and other attributes. If you don’t use those, you can still bring in your attributes using our API.

If you need help with any of this, just reach out to us.

2. Send test feedback

Next, send a piece of test feedback to see how it works. We’ll describe three ways to do that here: through your support tool, through the Chrome extension, and by emailing your feedback to Saivo.

For this article, we’ll show you how to send some test feedback using Intercom. Check out our other articles for information on how to send feedback from Zendesk, Help Scout, or HubSpot.

Send feedback from Intercom

It’s easy to send feedback to Savio from Intercom. When you connect it with Savio, you choose a tag that Savio listens to. Then, anytime you use that tag on a message, Savio pulls the message in as feedback.


The feedback gets sent directly to your feedback inbox. All the customer attributes from Intercom are brought into Savio with it, including the name of the customer, company, MRR, and more.


***For more on connecting with Intercom and sending feedback: *Intercom integration

Send feedback from the Chrome extension

The Chrome extension lets you take text from any web application and send it to Savio as feedback. Once you install the app, you can pull it up at any time and quickly copy and paste in your feedback. Then just fill in the other fields:

  • Person: Who is the feedback from? If you have integrated with a support tool, you’ll see all your customers listed here to choose from. If not, you can add the Person right from the tool.

  • Feedback From: What stage of the customer lifecycle is the person submitting the feedback? You can choose between “Active”, “Churned”, “Lost Deal”, “Prospect”, “Internal User”, and “Other”.

  • Feature Request: Select the feature request the feedback is relevant to. You can choose an existing feature request or make a new one.


For more on using the Chrome extension: Savio's Chrome Extension

Emailing feedback to Savio

Your Savio account comes with a unique email address that you can forward customer emails to. Emails sent to that address are automatically sent to your feedback inbox. To find your unique email address:

  • Log into Savio and clicking on your name in the top right corner
  • Click on “My Settings”
  • Copy the email address in the “Feedback Email” field.


Now, send any email to that address and it will be turned into feedback.


For more on emailing feedback: Emailing Feedback to Savio

3. Triage your feedback

The next step is to triage your test feedback. We use “triage” to mean processing it and assigning it to a feature request. The main steps included in triage are:

  • Assign your feedback to a feature request. Do this so you can see how many people are asking for a given feature and so that you can see customer requests in their own words. You can choose an existing feature request or make a new one.

  • Add or confirm the “Feedback From” field. This field tells you the stage of the customer lifecycle the customer who provided feedback is in. Fill this in so you can later filter your feature requests by “Active” customers, “Churned” customers, and so on.

  • Add any relevant tags. Do this to filter your feedback by any tags that are important to you.


When you’ve filled in all the fields, click “Mark Triaged”.

For more on how to triage feedback: How To Triage Feedback

4. Look at the Feature Request details page

Now, go check out your feature requests and get a feel for the page setup. To get there, click “Feature Requests” in the left side menu. Then, click on the feature request name to see details about it.


Along the top, you’ll see the following:

  • Count: Indicates the number of votes for the given feature request.

  • From X People: Indicates the number of individuals that have voted for the feature.

  • At X Companies: Indicates the number of companies that have at least one employee who has voted for the feature.

  • Total MRR: Indicates the total monthly recurring revenue from the customers that have voted for this feature.

  • Opened: Indicates when the first piece of feedback for this feature was received.

  • Last Requested: Indicates how long ago the most recent piece of feedback for the feature was received.


This gives you a high-level look at how popular the feature is and how much of your revenue is attached to the people who have requested it. You’ll also be able to see the verbatim feedback easily from this page. That makes it easy to see what your customers are asking for in their own words.

For more on the feature request details page: The Feature Request Details Page

5. Filter your features to prioritize them and run your product meeting

Next, we recommend you get a feel for filtering your feature request list to see how you might best use Savio to help you make product decisions. There are three ways that we suggest using Savio in your product meeting.

Get updates on the features in progress

You can filter your features to find the ones your team has said they’ll build. Run down this list to follow-up on the progress. To do it, click the “In Progress” canned filter.


When a feature has been completed, change its status to “Shipped”. Changing the status right in your meeting helps keep everyone on the same page. To do it, click on the edit icon beside the status, set the “State” dropdown menu to “Shipped”, and then click “Save”.


Show your product team trends in recent feedback

Share trends in your feedback or what customers are asking for most recently. To find recent feedback, click on “Feature Requests”. Then click on the filter icon to see the possible filters. Scroll down and click on the “Feedback Received Between” field. Select the “Last 30 Days” option to find feedback from the last 30 days.


Prioritize your features to decide what to build next

You can filter your features to help you prioritize the most important ones. Here are four ways to slice and dice your feature requests when sharing with product what your key customer requests are:

  • Limit your list to just features you’d actually consider building

  • Finding features with an MRR over some value

  • Finding features from churned customers

  • Finding features from lighthouse customers

Limit your list to just features you’d actually consider building.

Start your prioritization process by looking at only the features you are considering and haven’t started yet. To filter for these, you can use the “Up next” canned filter. Alternatively, click the filter icon, select the “Status” field, and choose “Planned” and “Under Consideration”. Then click “Filter Requests”. Now you’ll only see features that you’ve either planned to build or you are considering.


Finding features with an MRR over some value

You may want to prioritize features that have the most customer value attached to them. For example, to filter for features with over $1,000 in MRR, click find the MRR field, select “>=” and type in “1000”. Now, you’ll only see features that have been requested by customers that, together, have a total MRR of over $1,000.


Finding features from churned customers.

You may want to try to reduce churn by prioritizing features from churned customers. To do this, scroll through the filter list to find the “Feedback From” field and select “Churned customer”.


Finding features from lighthouse customers.

You may want to guide your product development by building the features that your ideal “lighthouse” customers have requested. To do this, scroll through the filter list to find the “Is Lighthouse (Company)” field and select “True”.


There are many other ways you could filter your features, too. While you’re exploring Savio in your first 5 minutes, think about what attributes matter to you when you prioritize your features and play around filtering for those here.

For more on using Savio to run your product meeting: Use Savio to Run Your Product Meeting

6. Confirm your MRR attribute is working

MRR is a special attribute in Savio because it’s used to calculate the total value of the revenue associated with the customers who have requested a feature. To calculate it, you need to tell Savio which of your attributes holds your MRR information.

To do that, click your name in the top right corner, select “Settings”.


Scroll down to “People and Company Attributes” and click “Manage attributes”.


Find the attribute that holds your MRR and click it to edit it. In this example, the attribute is called “monthly_spend”.


To tell Savio to use this attribute to calculate MRR, ensure the “This Attribute Stores The Customer’s MRR” box is checked.


Note: If you haven’t brought attributes into Savio through integration with Segment, Intercom, Help Scout, Zendesk, HubSpot, Salesforce or through the API, you may not see an attribute for MRR. If you're having trouble setting up your attributes, just get in touch with us and we’ll help you out.

For more on importing attributes: Importing People, Companies, and Attributes

The next 5 minutes—more advanced features

That covers the basic features you need to get the most out of Savio. Explore those first to get a sense of what the app can do for you. When you’ve got the hang of it, check out these next features to really up your game.

7. Try closing the loop

Take a minute to check out how easy it is to close the loop with customers when you build a feature they asked for. Closing the loop is simple and really powerful for building customer loyalty. Here’s how you can do it in just a few clicks.

Find the features you’ve shipped. Click “Feature Requests” in the left-hand menu and click the “Shipped” canned filter. Find the feature that you want to close the loop on and click it.


Click “Select people to contact”.


Check the box of each person you’d like to close the loop with. Some Savio users like to close the loop with everyone all at once; others like to close the loop in batches. When you’ve selected everyone, click “Compose Email to X People”.


Note: If you want to send your close the loop emails through your email client instead of through Savio, just click “Copy Emails to Clipboard” and then paste them into a draft email.

Finally, write your email. We recommend keeping it short and sweet.


Next, choose an action and click “Send”.

  • Choose “I’m just emailing these people” if you’re just sending regular correspondence. Savio will not mark these customers as having been notified about the feature being built.

  • Choose “I’m closing the loop” if you’re closing the loop with these customers but there are others you will still need to close the loop with. Savio will mark the customers you email as notified so you don’t close the loop with them twice.

  • Choose “I’m closing the loop and want to mark this Feature Request Closed” if this is the last batch of customers that you are closing the loop with. Savio will mark the customers you email as notified and will also change the status of the feature request to “closed”.

ImgWhen you choose “I’m closing the loop” Savio marks this person as being notified.

Note: You can modify the default email that appears when you are closing the loop. Read more here for details.

For more instructions on how to close the loop: Closing the Loop

8. Invite your team

Finally, once you’ve got the hang of Savio, invite some of your teammates to use it. Most of our customers have different teams submitting feedback to their Savio vault: Sales, Customer Success, Product, Support, and others.

You’ll probably onboard your team first, show them how it works and how your process needs to change, and eventually onboard other teams once you’ve got things humming.

For instructions on how to invite users: Managing Users

Want some guidance? Book an onboarding session.

Savio’s really easy to use, but we get that sometimes it’s easiest to have someone walk us through it. We’d love to give you a white-glove onboarding session. Just choose a time and we’ll go through it with you.

Last Updated: June 30 2021