How To Set Up Savio’s Hubspot Integration

Savio can connect with HubSpot’s powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool. While most of your feedback and feature requests will likely come from your existing customers, it’s also fairly common to get feedback on your product from your prospective customers. You might even get customers choosing a competitor because your product doesn’t have a feature they need. That feedback is important to capture. You can use it to build a better product and improve sales.

Our HubSpot integration makes it easy for your Sales team to send that feedback directly to Savio without switching tools. In this article, we’ll explain:

Note: HubSpot has several products including a suite of marketing tools, a content management system, and a customer service tool. Savio currently only integrates with the CRM tool.

How to connect HubSpot to Savio

Here’s how to connect HubSpot to Savio:

1. Log into Savio, click your name in the top right corner, and select “Integrations”.

2. Scroll down to the “Connect to HubSpot” box and click “Connect HubSpot”.

3. Log into your HubSpot account. You’ll be asked to give Savio permission to connect with HubSpot.

Configuring the HubSpot Integration for Tailored Attribute Import

You already have all your customers and prospects in HubSpot—these are your “Contacts”. Savio's HubSpot integration allows for a tailored approach to importing data, enabling users to select specific attributes they need from HubSpot. This streamlined process enhances data relevance and efficiency.

Follow these detailed steps to customize your attribute import from HubSpot:

Step 1: Navigate to Attribute Settings

In your Savio dashboard, go to 'Settings' and then select 'People and Company Attributes'. This area will display a list of all available attributes from HubSpot that can be imported into Savio.

selective attributes

Step 2: Implement Selective Attribute Import

In the 'People and Company Attributes' section:

  • Select Desired Attributes: You no longer need to import all attributes by default. Choose only the attributes that are relevant to your needs. For instance, if 'Number of Associated Deals' is an attribute you wish to import, locate it in the list, select it, and press 'Import'.
    Hubspot attributes
  • Understand Different Attribute Types: Recognize the nature of each attribute. Numeric attributes like ARR can be aggregated, whereas textual attributes like 'Plan' provide non-numeric, categorical data.

Step 3: Rearrange Attributes as Needed

  • Order Adjustment: Change the order of attributes in the 'People and Company Attributes' section. This order affects their appearance in the Savio interface, including in feature request filters and the user info bar.

Rearrange attributes

Step 4: Integration of Imported Attributes

Post-import, these attributes are seamlessly integrated into Savio:

  • Incorporation into Filters: Imported attributes will appear in Savio’s filtering options.
  • Display in User Info Bar: These attributes will also be visible in the user info bar under each user, offering immediate contextual information.

The Savio widget in HubSpot

When you connect Savio with HubSpot, you’ll notice that a Savio widget is added to several of your HubSpot pages. These show you the features that a given contact has requested.

Feedback on the Contact page

You’ll notice the Savio widget on your Contact page in HubSpot. This shows you all the feature requests that a given Contact has requested. You can click on the feature request and you’ll be taken to that feature request in your Savio feedback vault.

Feedback on the Company page

The Savio widget is also visible on the Company contact page in HubSpot for any given company. It shows you all the feature requests from all the Contacts at that company. Again, you can click on the feature request to view it in Savio.

4 Ways to add feedback from HubSpot to Savio

Finally, we’ve made it easy to add feedback directly to Savio from HubSpot without switching applications or tools. This is handy for your Sales team: if they find out a prospect didn’t choose your product because it lacked a feature or another product reason, they can quickly make a note of it and it’ll be sent automatically to your Savio vault.

There are four ways to send feedback and feature requests to Savio from Hubspot. Each is described below.

1. Using #Product in closed lost reasons

You can send feedback through two properties called “Closed lost reason” (the reason you lost a deal) and “Closed won reason” (the reason that you won a deal). In these fields, you can make notes about the reason that you won a deal or lost it. If you include “#Product” in the note, the feedback will be sent to Savio.

Here’s how to do it.

Ensure “Closed lost reason” appears for your deals

The “Closed lost reason” and “Closed won reason” properties may not automatically appear in each of your deals. The first step is making sure that it appears for your deals.

1. Start by logging into HubSpot and navigating to your “Deals” page. Select one of your deals by clicking the hyperlinked Company name.

2. Scroll through the “About this deal” sidebar. See if “Closed lost reason” is visible. If it is, jump to the next section to learn how to use it to send feedback to Savio. If it isn’t, continue on to learn how to make it visible.

3. Click “View all properties”.

4. Look through the properties until you find “Closed lost reason” and “Closed won reason”.

5. Hover your cursor over the property, then select “Add to your view”.

6. Now, return to your “Deals” page by clicking “Back” in the top left corner.

Send feedback to Savio using “#Product”

You have “Closed lost reason” and “Closed won reason” visible in the “About this deal” section on each of your deals. Now you can easily send feedback to Savio using “#Product”. Here’s how:

1. Write a note in the “Closed lost reason” or “Closed won reason” field, including “#Product”.

2. Click “Save”.

3. The feedback will be sent immediately to your Savio feedback inbox.

4. Now you can triage the feedback and assign it to a feature request. The feedback will automatically be attributed to the Person and Company that is associated with the Deal in your HubSpot account, but you can alter that during triage if you like.

Now you will be able to see that feedback on the Deals page in HubSpot.

Tip: This feature is usually used by Sales representatives to provide information about lost deals. Your Sales rep might note features that prospects would have liked and may have been a dealbreaker. But Sales can also use this process to capture feedback from won deals about features new customers would like you to build soon.

Tip: We recommend sending product-related feedback to Savio, but not necessarily all feedback. For example, if a prospect doesn’t buy your product because it is missing an integration, you’d want to capture that in Savio. But if a prospect doesn’t buy your product because it’s too expensive, you may want to make a note of that, but you may not necessarily want it in your Savio feedback vault. To make a note in HubSpot without sending it as feedback to Savio, simply omit the “#Product” in the HubSpot note.

2. Setting up HubSpot Feedback Automations

Sending feedback from HubSpot to Savio using the above method is easy. But sometimes sales reps get busy and forget to include important feedback. You can make it easy for them to remember by making “Closed lost deals” a required field and sending it to Savio automatically. This takes a bit of time upfront to set up, but it makes it easier for Sales and will ensure that all relevant product feedback on lost deals gets sent to Savio.

Note: Configuring this option requires HubSpot automations. Automations are currently only available to individuals on HubSpot’s Professional and Enterprise plans. If you have the Starter or the Free plan, you will not be able to set up this automation. Also note that to set up automations, you must have Admin access in your HubSpot account.

To set up this automation, there are three main steps:

  1. Create a new property called “Closed lost reason type” to differentiate product-related reasons for losing a deal from other reasons.

  2. When a deal is lost, require users—usually Sales reps—to provide the reason and whether that reason was product-related or not.

  3. Configure HubSpot to automatically send feedback to Savio when the reason you lost the deal was product-related.

Each of these steps is explained in detail below.

Create a new property called “Closed lost reason type”

First, we’re going to create a new property called “Closed lost reason type” that describes the type of reason a person chose not to purchase the product. The idea is that when this property is set to “Product”, the “Closed lost reason” will be sent to Savio. When it’s something else—maybe “Price”—the “Closed lost reason” won’t be sent to Savio.

Here’s how we create that new property.

1. Log into HubSpot, click “Sales” in the main toolbar, and select “Deals”. Find the Kanban view of your deals by clicking on the grid view button.

2. Click on “Board actions” and select “Edit stages”.

3. Click on the “Setup” tab, and then click on “Manage deal properties”.

4. Click “Create property”.

5. Now create your property. Here’s how we recommend you set up this property:

  • Object type: We recommend making this a property that’s related to your deal.

  • Group: Make this “Deal information”.

  • Label: We recommend calling this “Closed lost reason type”.

  • Description: Add a description if you wish.

6. Customize the property. Here’s how we recommend you set up this property:

  • Field Type: Select “Radio select”.

  • Sort: Custom.

  • Options: Here’s where you’ll include all the reasons why you lose deals. We recommend including an option for “Product”. That way, you can configure your automation so that any “Closed lost reason” that is set to “Product” will be sent to Savio, and any that aren’t set to “Product” won’t be sent to Savio. You can also include other options that you might want to keep track of. For example, if you want to know when people don’t choose your product because it’s too expensive, you can create an option for “Price”. If you want to know when they don’t choose your product because they go with a competitor, you might create an option called “Competition”.

6. Click “Create” when you’re done. Now you’ve created a property for your deals called “Closed lost reason type”.

For more information about managing deal properties in HubSpot see the HubSpot Knowledge Base article on Managing properties.

Require users to enter the reasons you lost a deal

Now, we’re going to configure HubSpot to require any sales rep that puts a deal in the “Closed Lost” stage to give reasons why the deal was lost. Do the following:

1. Get back to the Deals page by clicking “Sales” in the main toolbar, and select “Deals”. Find the Kanban view of your deals by clicking on the grid view button.

2. Click on “Board actions” and select “Edit stages”.

3. Click on the “Pipelines” tab.

4. Find the “Closed lost” stage and click on “Edit properties”.

5. In the pop-up window, search for the “Closed lost reason type” property we created earlier. Under “Deal information”, select “Closed lost reason type”. Under “Selected Properties”, check the “Required” check box. Then click “Next”.

Then click “Save” to confirm the changes.

Now, when your sales reps move a deal to the “Closed” stage, they’ll receive a pop-up and be prompted to fill out these two pieces of information: the reason that the deal was lost, and the type of reason—whether the reason was product-related, price-related, related to your competition, or something else. These will be required fields.

Configure HubSpot to automatically send feedback to Savio

So far, we’ve created a property and made it so that anytime a sales rep moves a deal to the “Closed Lost” stage, they must fill in the reason the deal was lost and the category that the reason belongs to (whether it was a product-related reason or something else). Now, we want to configure HubSpot to automatically send any of the reasons for losing a deal that are product-related to Savio. Here’s how to do that.

1. Get back to the Deals page by clicking “Sales” in the main toolbar, and select “Deals”. Find the Kanban view of your deals by clicking on the grid view button.

2. Click on “Board actions” and select “Edit stages”.

3. Click on the “Pipelines” tab and select “Automate”

4. Under the “Closed Lost” stage, select “Create workflow”

5. Choose “Trigger webhook” from the list of possible actions.

6. Fill in the webhook settings.

  • Method: Leave this as “POST”.

  • URL: You’re going to put in the URL that is given to you in Savio. To find the URL:

7. Log into Savio, click on your name in the top right corner, and select “Integrations”.

8. Scroll down to the “Connect To HubSpot” box. If you have integrated HubSpot as indicated above, you’ll find the webhook URL specified there. Copy that URL.

9. Paste the URL in the HubSpot “Webhook URL” field. Then click “Save.

You’ll see that you now have a workflow.

The current workflow says, “When a deal in the sales pipeline is moved to the “Closed Lost” stage, send feedback to Savio.” We want to make it a little more nuanced so that rather than all feedback being sent to Savio, we only send product-related feedback.

To add that extra criterion, do the following:

11. Click “Open in Workflows”.

12. Click the “+” symbol between the trigger and the action.

13. Click “Simple branch”.

14. Select the property to branch on. In the “Property or value to branch on” field, choose “Closed lost reason type” (the property we created earlier). Then click “Next”.

15. Specify the branches. In the “Branch on deal property Closed lost reason type of the enrolled deal” dropdown, choose “Product” so that only the product-related reasons for losing a deal are posted to Savio. Then click “Save”.

16. Choose the branch outcomes. Select “Move the following actions to a specific branch” and choose “Product” from the dropdown menu. Then click “Save”.

Now, you’ll have your completed workflow. You’ll see that, graphically, it looks like this:

Now, when your Sales rep moves a deal to the “Closed lost” stage, they’ll be prompted to input two fields: the reason that the prospect didn’t end up buying the product, and the type of reason it is—a product reason, a price reason, a competition reason, and so on.

If the reason is product-related, they will set the “Closed lost reason type” to “Product”. Then the note they make in the “Closed lost reason” field will be sent to Savio as feedback and will appear in your Feedback inbox.

Note: Webhooks can take a few seconds to a minute to post, so you may have to wait a minute or two to see your feedback in Savio after you enter a Closed Lost Deal.

This automation setup will help ensure that your Sales team puts in reasons for lost deals and that any product-related reasons get logged as feedback in Savio. That helps you build a better product and improve sales.

For more information on creating automations in HubSpot see their knowledge base article on automations.

3. Using Savio’s Chrome extension

The above two ways of getting feedback into Savio from Hubspot require the Hubspot integration. But if those methods are too complicated, you can always just use Savio’s Chrome extension. The Chrome extension makes it easy to send feedback to Savio using any web app, and that includes Hubspot. Here’s how it works.

Here’s how you set it up.

1. Download the Chrome extension. You can download it here. Then set it up, pin it to your toolbar, and log in. See full instructions on how to set up the Chrome Extension  here.

2. Navigate to your Hubspot account and click the Savio icon to open the extension.

3. Fill in the feedback fields.

  • Customer Problem: Copy and paste your customer feedback or feature request here. Include customer verbatims when possible.
  • Person: Find the customer who provided the feedback and select them from the list here. You may also add a new person if you need to.
  • Feedback from: Select the lifecycle stage of the customer the person who gave the feedback is. Options are: “Active customer”, “Churned customer”, “Internal teammate”, “Lost deal”, “Prospect”, or other.
  • Feature request: You can choose to assign the feedback to a feature request. This is optional.

4. Click “Save Feedback”. The feedback is now inside Savio.

4. Create a feedback property in Hubspot and send it to Savio using Zapier

The Chrome Extension is awesome and super simple. But one downside is that you need a Savio login to use it. If you’re on the Sales team and don’t have a login to Savio, you can instead set up a feedback property that gets sent to Savio using an integration with Zapier. This takes a bit more setup at the beginning, but then there’s no login required.

Here’s how to do it.

Create a Hubspot property for feedback

This method requires you to make a new property. Find Hubspot’s instructions for creating a new property here.

1. In the left-hand Contacts sidebar, click “View all properties”.

2. Click “Manage properties”.

3. Click “Create property”.

4. Fill out the property settings.

  • Object type: Select “Contact”.
  • Group: Choose which group makes the most sense for your workflow. We like “Conversion information”.
  • Label: Select a name for the property. We like “Product Feedback”.
  • Description: You can add a description of the property if you like.

  • Field type: Select “Multi-line text”****

Then click “Create”.

5. Make the property visible. Navigate again to “View all properties”, find the property you just created, and click “Add to your view”.

Now, you will see this property on every contact.

Set up a Zap to send entries in this property to Savio

You’ve got a product feedback property set up in Hubspot. Now you just need to set up a Zap so that when you save notes in that property, it gets automatically sent to Savio as feedback.

Note: We’ve already set this Zap up. You can find it in the Zap directory here.

1. Set the trigger. Choose Hubspot as the app. Choose “New Contact Property Change” as the trigger event.

2. Connect to your Hubspot account.

3. Select relevant properties for the trigger.

  • Property name: This is the Hubspot property that will be used to identify trigger events, i.e. when this property changes, the Zap automation will occur. Choose the new “Product Feedback” property you created in earlier steps.
  • Additional properties to retrieve: Choose the new “Product Feedback” property you created in earlier steps here too.

4. Click “Test trigger”.

If it’s working, Zapier will be able to find a contact. You should see the “Product Feedback” property listed in the list of properties that Zapier pulls in from Hubspot.

5. Set the action. For the app, select “Savio”. In the Action Event field, select “Create Feeback”.

6. Connect your Savio account.

7. Set up the action event. Fill in the following fields:

  • Customer problem
  • Feedback From
  • Source URL
  • Person’s Email
  • Person’s Name
  • Company Name
  • Feature Request Title
  • Tags
  • State

Customer problem: This is the verbatim feedback that will be sent to Savio. Choose the Hubspot property that we created earlier called “Product Feedback”.

Feedback from: This is the status of the customer that gave you the feedback or their lifecycle stage. You can select one of the options for all feedback: “Active” for active customers, “Churned” for churned customers, “Internal” for internal teammates, “Lost Deal” for lost deals, “Prospect” for prospects, or “Other” for other types of customers.

Note: If you choose one of these options, it will be assigned every time you send feedback through Zapier. So this option is ideal if you know your Sales team will always send feedback from prospects or lost deals.

However, if you will sometimes send feedback from different types of customers—say, prospects and lost deals—you can instead set the field to custom. There you would select a property in Hubspot that indicates the type of customer—prospect or lost deal. That field would be used to send to Savio.

Here, we could select the Hubspot property “Lifecycle Stage” to be used to fill in this field.

Tip: If you use a Hubspot property for this “Feedback From” field, make sure that the options available in the Hubspot property are the same as the ones in Savio—that they map on to one another. You can edit the stages in Hubspot by modifying the property. You can also edit the stages in Savio.

Source URL: This is the URL for the feedback in Hubspot. You can hardcode the stem of the link and then put the contact ID property at the end to make the source URL go to the contact page for the person who submitted the feedback.

In the above example, the URL points to the Hubspot contact page for the person who submits a piece of feedback. You will insert your company’s ID into the URL as indicated in this image.

Person’s Email: This is the email address of the person submitting the feedback. Enter the Hubspot property that holds their email address.

Person’s Name: This is the name of the person submitting the feedback. Enter the Hubspot property that holds their first and last name. Tip: put a space between the variables so that the name has a space when it’s entered into Savio.

Company Name: This is the Company of the person submitting the feedback. Enter the Hubspot property that holds their company or account name.

Feature Request: This is the feature request the feedback is associated with. Leave this blank.

Tags: These are additional tags that the feedback has. Leave this blank.

State: This is the state of the feedback within Savio. Select “Active”.

8. Click “Test and Review” to check that the action works.

You’ll see “Test was successful” if there are no issues.

Now, anytime you put feedback in the “Product Feedback” property in Hubspot…

… it will be sent to Savio through this Zapier integration.

Note: Anytime you save notes in the Hubspot property you linked to Savio with this Zap, it will be sent to Savio. You can even rewrite a note, save it, and it will be sent to Savio again as new feedback. This is perfect for people feeling twitchy about overwriting data in Hubspot—all your feedback, even if you overwrite it in Hubspot will be saved in Savio and easily visible in the Savio Hubspot widget.

How to show Deal Revenue inside Savio

In HubSpot, Companies have associated Deals. Deal revenue can represent expansion revenue, or revenue from a new customer.

Seeing revenue alongside a feature requests is incredibly helpful when prioritizing. For example, sorting Requests by expansion revenue (or new opportunity revenue) can give you new insights into what to build to drive revenue.

To do this, you can create a calculated property on Companies in Hubspot. This property would sum up all the associated deal revenue for a given Company.

This article walks you through exactly how to set up a calculated property inside Hubspot.

Get started with Savio

Want to get started sending feedback from HubSpot to Savio? Go to your account integrations page and link them up. Don’t have a Savio account? Start a free trial and see how it can reduce churn and delight customers.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

Last Updated: November 30 2022