How To Use Savio's API

Savio’s API lets you access and update your feedback data programmatically. Here’s a high-level look at why you’d use the API and what you can do with it. For more details on specifically how to use it, find the complete documentation on the API Reference page.

In this article, we’ll cover:

Why would you use Savio’s API?

There are a few ways you might want to use the API.

1. To send feedback to Savio

If you collect feedback in your own software tool, you might want to send that automatically to Savio. Or maybe you collect feedback from a tool Savio doesn’t integrate with and you’d like that to be pushed to Savio. The API lets you easily create new feedback and push it into your Savio feedback vault programmatically.

2. To connect Savio to automation tools

Tools like Zapier and Integromat let you integrate between all the software you’re using and automate your workflow. These tools often need to connect through an API. Savio’s API lets you connect your feedback vault with these automation tools.

3. To import data from tools that Savio doesn’t integrate with natively

We’re pretty far ahead compared to other feedback platforms when it comes to having integrations with other tools, but we don’t connect to every tool (yet!). You can use the Savio API to automatically import data from the tools we don’t yet have a native integration with.

Currently, Savio helps teams centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from their GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more.

Finding your API token

The first step to using the API is finding your API token. This authenticates your computer so Savio knows that it’s okay to connect with.

Find your token by doing the following:

1. Log into Savio, click your name in the top right corner, and select “My Settings”.

2. Scroll down and find the “API Token” box. You’ll see your API token displayed there. Use this token to authenticate a call between your Savio account and an external software program.

API endpoints

Savio lets you call and pass information for three endpoints: feedback, users, and companies.


It’s easy to post new feedback to Savio using the API. Pushing feedback into Savio from other tools lets you centralize it all in one place, triage it, and assign it to feature requests.

Find the full instructions and details for how to do this on the API Reference page.


Users are the people who submit a piece of feedback or request a feature. A person is attached to each piece of feedback in Savio. The Savio API lets you:

  • Add new people into Savio
  • List the people that you already have in Savio
  • Update the data and attributes about existing people

Tip: Keep your list of people updated so that you can slice and dice your feedback data later to find the feedback that your most valuable customers are asking for. Add custom attributes to filter your feature requests on even more dimensions that matter to you.

Find the full instructions and details for how to do this on the API Reference page.


Companies are your accounts—the organizations that your feedback comes from. People who submit feedback in Savio can be associated with a company if that’s relevant to your business. The Savio API lets you:

  • Add new companies into Savio
  • List the companies that you already have in Savio
  • Update the data and attributes about existing companies

Tip: Keep your list of companies updated so that you can slice and dice your feedback data later to find the feedback that your most valuable customers are asking for. Add custom attributes to filter your feature requests on more dimensions that matter to you.

Find the full instructions and details for how to do this on the API Reference page.

Last Updated: May 23 2021