The Four Problems Savio Solves

The number one cause of churn is feature gaps. To close feature gaps, you need an efficient way to keep track of the features your customers want so that it’s easy for Product to understand what to build. 

Savio helps you do that—it captures customer feedback and feature requests so that you can close feature gaps, build a product your customers want, and increase retention. 

More specifically, it solves four main problems:

  1. Feedback everywhere—Savio centralizes feedback in one place

  2. Disorganized feedback—Savio organizes feedback so it can be sliced and diced

  3. Teams don’t see the feedback—Savio helps Product see what customers need

  4. Letting Customers know—Savio makes it easy to close the loop with customers

In this article, we’ll explain how Savio solves them.

1. Savio centralizes feedback in a single place

Feedback comes in from everywhere. Customers contact support when they have an issue, they send emails with their ideas for new features, and they tell your sales team why they aren’t going to buy your product. You probably also actively solicit feedback in customer calls or through surveys. 

Having tons of feedback is great, but it can get messy unless you have a central place to put it. We’ve seen systems that use spreadsheets, Trello, or Slack to organize feedback. Those systems ultimately break down. 

Savio makes it easy to pull in feedback from the tools you’re already using:

  • You can push feedback from your support tools directly into Savio with a few clicks

  • You can integrate with Slack to easily send messages there to Savio

  • You can collect feedback from a public voting board

  • You can forward emails with customer feedback to Savio

  • You can take notes in an email while you’re on a customer call and then email it to Savio

  • You can use the Chrome extension to quickly take notes or collect feedback from your CRMs, Customer Success tools, or other web-based app and send it to Savio

All customer feedback roads lead to Savio. Once it’s integrated with the workflows your teams use, they can safely stash feedback quickly and without changing tools. Savio becomes your centralized feedback vault. 

The result: all your feedback is stored quickly and safely in our place, so nothing falls through the cracks.

Read more: Connecting Your Support Tool to Savio

2. Savio helps you organize your feedback and feature requests

A chaotic pile of feedback isn’t helpful. You need to be able to organize and analyze your feedback for it to usefully inform your product development decisions. It needs structure.

Savio provides that structure automatically. When feedback lands in Savio, it gets attached to the customer who gave the feedback, their company, their plan, their MRR, and more. 

That lets you slice and dice your feature requests based on attributes that matter to you:

  • You can see all the feature requests a given customer gave you

  • You can see all the feature requests from employees at a given company

  • You can see all the feature requests from customers with a given total MRR 

  • You can see all the feature requests from customers on your Enterprise plan

  • And much, much more

Because Savio attaches attributes to feature requests, you can slice and dice your data to make informed product decisions that align with your business goals. Prioritizing feature requests becomes much easier when you can see clearly what your customers actually want—and which customers want what.

The result: structured data that you can slice and dice so you know what your customers want.

Read more: How to Prioritize Feature Requests and Build a Product Your Customers Want

3. Savio unites your team around your customers

To achieve net negative revenue retention, Customer Success needs to share the features that customers need, Product needs to prioritize those features, and Dev needs to build them. It takes a village to build a product. 

But sometimes the village doesn’t agree on what product to build. Savio helps here too.

Savio helps you prioritize based on data, not anecdote

In your Dev meeting, CS doesn’t need to share anecdotes with Product about what customers want—you can use Savio to pull up concrete data about recent feature requests. Product can slice and dice those requests by customer segment, MRR, and more to determine if they support the business’s goals and should make it into the dev queue.  

Savio also helps CS and Product stay on track with the status of each feature. CS and Product teams can use Savio to stay on the same page about how close features are to shipping. When Dev finishes a feature, you can flag it as Shipped so CS can close the loop and Product Marketing can create marketing assets. 

The result: Customer Success and Product become trusted allies by using data to get on the same page about customer priorities and close feature request gaps.

Read more: Use Savio To Run Your Product Meeting

Savio helps you advocate for product decisions

When your feedback is well-organized and visible, all your teams can see what your customers want. It gives you a clear single source of truth. From there, you can effectively make the case for one feature over another. You still may not always completely agree on what to build, but at least everyone is starting from the same place: your customers’ needs.  

The result: better alignment on customer-centric product decisions.

Read more: How to Use Customer Feedback to Get Product Buy-in and Manage Stakeholders

Savio helps you align your team on the “why” behind product decisions

You might occasionally get some pushback from a product decision that you make. Savio helps here too: just share a link to your feedback so that everyone can see that you’re building what your customers asked for.


The result: better buy-in on the product decisions that you make.

4. Savio helps you close the loop

Kareem, one of our founders, still remembers the moment he got a response from Slack about a bug he reported. They messaged him to let him know they fixed the issue and thanked him for his feedback. It blew his mind. He felt like Slack cared about him. 

Closing the loop is really simple: you just let your customers know when you build something they asked for. And it is powerful. Closing the loop:

  • Builds personal relationships with your customers at scale

  • Improves your customer retention and reduces churn

  • Drives sales and helps you recover lost deals

Why don’t most companies do it? Because they don’t have a process that makes it easy. They either end up emailing people one-by-one or messing around with mail merge. Inevitably, it feels leaky and they don’t get everyone.

Savio solves this problem. It lets you close the loop with your customers in just a few clicks. It even makes it easy to close the loop in batches so that your Customer Success team can close the loop with your current customers, your Sales team can close the loop with prospects, and so on. 


Savio also tracks who was notified so you don’t accidentally close the loop twice. 


Closing the loop makes sure that you actually get the credit you earned when you listened to your customers and acted on it. And customers will see that you care enough to follow up.

The result: more sales, loyal customers, and lower churn.

Get started with Savio

Want to get started sending feedback to Savio? Start a free trial and see how it can centralize your feedback, organize it, share it, and show your customers you’re building what they ask for.

Read more: How To Be Successful with Savio

Read more: How To Set Up Savio—the First 5 Minutes

Last Updated: September 20 2021