How to Set Up Savio’s Zendesk App

Use Zendesk? Want to let your customer support teams assign feedback to feature requests or assign tags to feedback? Now you can with Savio’s Zendesk app.

In this article, we explain why you’d use the app, how it’s different from the Zendesk integration, and how to set it up. We’ll cover:

Why set up the Zendesk app?

The big win from the Zendesk app is that your customer success team can assign product feedback to a feature request right inside Zendesk.

The main advantage of having more people triaging feedback is that it reduces the burden for any single person who’d triage inside Savio. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”.

The downside is that the CS team may not be as familiar with the product. This means you can potentially end up with people categorizing feedback into the wrong feature requests.

Read more about different models for triaging feedback here to see what might work best for your team.

Note: Savio helps you centralize, organize, and prioritize product feedback from your GTM team, by integrating with Slack, HubSpot, Intercom, Zendesk, SFDC, Help Scout, and more. Learn more about Savio.

Watch how the Zendesk app works

Watch how the Zendesk app helps you track product feedback.

How is the Zendesk app different from the Zendesk integration?

The Zendesk integration allows you to tag customer feedback to send it to Savio. This Zendesk app also allows you to send feedback to Savio. So what’s the difference?

Here’s a table of the different functionalities between the two:

Functionality Tagging feedback in Zendesk Using the Zendesk App

Can easily send feedback from Zendesk to Savio



Can assign feedback to a feature request



Can assign tags to feedback



Can create a new feature request



Can create a new Savio tag



Can skip the Savio feedback inbox



In general, we recommend using the Zendesk App.

Note: The individuals submitting feedback through the Savio app in Zendesk do not need to be submitters, and do not need to have a Savio account.

How to set up the Zendesk app

1. Start by ensuring you have enabled the Zendesk integration.

2. Go to the “Integrations” page and click “Manage settings”.

3. Click “Configure Savio for Zendesk App”.

4. Copy your access token.

5. Install the Savio app. Go to the Zendesk marketplace. Click “Install”.

6. Sign into your Zendesk account.

7. Configure the app for installation. First, enter the access token that you copied from Savio (step 4). Then select any restrictions on using the app.

  • Enable role restrictions? Check this box if you’d like to restrict members of your team from using the app based on their Zendesk user role. Then select the role you want to restrict. Anyone with that Zendesk role will not be able to use the Savio app.

  • Enable group restrictions? Check this box if you’d like to restrict members of your team from using the app based on the group they belong to. Then select the group you want to restrict. Anyone belonging to that group in Zendesk will not be able to use the Savio app.

Now the Savio app is installed in Zendesk. You can use it to send feedback to Savio.

Savio app settings

There are two important settings you should configure for the app. To find them, go to the “Integrations” page and click “Manage settings”.

The two settings are:

  • Allow users to create feature requests. Check this box to allow your team members using the Savio app in Zendesk to be able to create new feature requests from the app. Uncheck this box to allow them only to select feature requests that already exist.

  • Allow users to create tags. Check this box to allow your team members to create new tags for feedback in Savio from the Zendesk app. Uncheck the box to allow them only to select existing tags from the list of tags that already exist in Savio.

How to send feedback to Savio using the app

Now you’re ready to use the app. It appears in the right-hand toolbar in Zendesk.

1. When you get a message from a customer in Zendesk, copy and paste the relevant product feedback into the “Customer Problem” field.

2. Select a feature request. The feedback will be automatically assigned to that feature request in Savio. You can also create a new feature request, as long as that option is enabled.

3. Select any relevant tags. The feedback will enter Savio with any tags you select here. You can also create a new tag, as long as that option is enabled.

Then click “Save Feedback”. The feedback will be sent to Savio. You’ll see a confirmation message in Zendesk.

And you’ll find the product feedback logged in Savio and attached to the feature request you selected.

Note: The app also respects the “Skip the inbox” setting. When it’s enabled, submitted feedback goes directly to a feature request without it being verified. When it’s disabled, submitted feedback will be sent to the feedback inbox. It will need to be confirmed before it is assigned to a feature request.

Last Updated: November 30 2022