Categorizing Feedback into Products and Product Areas

Building more than one product?

You can set up Savio to collect feedback and feature requests for multiple products.

In this article, we explain how to set up multiple Products and Product Areas in Savio, and then how to direct feedback to those products or product areas. We’ll cover:

Note: Products and product areas are available only on some plans. See our pricing page for details.

Why use products or product areas?

The use case here is that you have more than one product and you want feedback and feature requests from one product to be separate from another. This would make it much easier for multiple Product teams to organize and prioritize features for their product.

For example, imagine you have:

  • An iOS app

  • An Android app

  • A web app

The products feature lets you categorize your feedback and feature requests into the relevant product.

Or, imagine you have one product, but multiple areas within the product. For example, imagine that within your web app, you have:

  • Features related to integrations

  • Features related to onboarding

  • Features related to the core app

  • Features related to billing

The product areas feature lets you categorize your feedback and feature requests within those product areas.

Ultimately, this allows you to coordinate much better between more than one product team. The big wins here are:

  1. Your customer-facing teams can now direct feedback to the product and product area that’s relevant to the feedback they receive.

  2. Your Product teams can easily filter to see only the feedback and feature requests that are relevant to their work.

What’s the difference between products or product areas?

Products and Product Areas are two different features, but they’re interrelated.

  • Products are larger categories. The idea is that you can split up your feedback and feature requests between the different software products you might offer.

  • Product areas fall within a product. The idea is that you can split up your feedback and feature requests between as many product areas as makes sense for your development workflow.

How to set up and use products

Note: First, make sure you have the right plan to access the products feature. See our pricing page for details and to start a free trial.

How to enable products

1. Log into Savio, and navigate to “Settings”.

2. Scroll down to “Feedback And Feature Request Attributes” and click “Manage attributes”.

3. Click on “Product”. It should have a “Disabled” sign beside it indicating that the products feature is not yet active.

4. Click on the checkbox beside “Enabled”. Then click “Save Settings”. Now you can use multiple products.

How to add a product

Adding products is easy. On the “Attribute Settings - Products” page, scroll down to see the products you currently have set up.

We currently have two products set up—one for a Web App and one for an iOS App. 

To add a new product, do the following:

1. Click “+ Add Product”.

2. Type in the name of your product in the “Display Name” field. Then click “Save Product”.

Now you’ll see the new product in the list of products.

Tip: You can add as many products as you like. Set them up to match your development team structure and workflow.

How to edit a product name

To change a product’s display name:

1. Hover your mouse over the product and click the “Edit Name” icon.

2. Make edits to the “Display Name” field and click “Save Product”.

Now, you’ll see the revised name on your list of products.

How to delete a product

To delete a product,

1. Hover your mouse over the product and click the “Edit Name” icon.

2. Click the “Delete Product” icon.

3. Confirm by clicking the “Delete Product” button.

How to set up and use product areas

Note: First, make sure you have the right plan to access the product areas feature. See our pricing page for details and to start a free trial.

Product areas are located within products. To use product areas you first have to turn on products (see above).

Navigate to the “Attribute Settings - Products” page and scroll down to the “Products” list. The list shows you which product areas have been added to each product.

The “Products” list shows you which product areas are active for each product.

How to add a product area

To add a product area for a product:

1. Hover your mouse over the product areas column. Click the “Edit Product Areas” icon.

2. Click the “Add Product Area” button.

3. Type the name of the product area in the “Display Name” field and then click “Save Product Area”.

Now you’ll see the product area you created in the list of product areas.

The product area that we added is displayed in the list of product areas.

How to edit a product area

To edit the name of a product area:

1. Click on the “Edit Name” icon.

2. Make changes to the “Display Name” field and click “Save Product Area”.

Now you’ll see that the product area name has changed.

How to delete a product area

To delete a product area:

1. Click on the “Edit Name” icon.

2. Click on the “Delete Product Area” icon.

How to use products and product areas to organize feedback

Great, you’ve set up products and product areas. Now you can use them to better organize your feedback and feature requests. Here are some ways you can use them.

1. Customer-facing teams can categorize feedback into a product and product area

When your Customer Success, Sales, Support, or other customer-facing teams are sending feedback to Savio, they can categorize that feedback as belonging to a product or a product area.

Here’s a look at categorizing feedback by product and product area when creating new feedback within the Savio app. The field will also appear when submitting through other integrations—from Slack, Intercom, Help Scout, Zendesk, the Chrome Extension and so on.

Tip: This is optional—your teams can submit feedback without categorizing it by product or product area. If they’re not sure which product a piece of feedback is relevant to, we recommend leaving this field blank.

2. You can categorize feedback by product or product area during triage

You can also categorize feedback into a product or product area during triage. Just select the appropriate option in the “Product And Product Area” field.

3. Sort feedback by product and product area

Now, when your Product teams are deciding what to build next, they can filter the feedback by product and product area to only see the pieces of feedback that are relevant to their product or area.

4. Sort feature requests by product and product area

Similarly, Product teams can also filter feature requests by product and product area to see only the features that are categorized within a particular product and product area.

So, for example, the Product Manager for your Android App can filter to find only the list of feature requests for the Android App rather than looking at the entire list of feature requests for all your products.

Last Updated: November 16 2021