Managing Custom Attributes in Savio

Savio sets itself apart from other feature request software with its advanced sorting and filtering capabilities. With Savio, you can slice and dice your feedback data so that you can easily see which of your customers want what. It makes it easy to be smart about prioritizing feature requests.

Attributes are the engine behind Savio’s powerful data segmentation.

An attribute is a piece of information about a Person or Company. You can customize your attributes so you can easily see the People and Company characteristics that matter most to you. In this article, we’ll explain how to set up and manage attributes.

We’ll cover:

Finding your attribute list

To see the list of attributes that already exist in Savio, do the following:

1. Log into Savio, click your name in the top right corner, and select “Settings”.

2. Scroll down to the “People And Company Attributes” box. Click “Manage attributes”.

3. You’ll find the “Customer Attributes” page. This page shows you a list of the attributes that already exist in Savio for people and companies.

Adding attributes to Savio

There are three ways you can add new attributes to Savio:

  1. By integrating with your support or customer communication tool

  2. Using the Savio API

  3. Adding attributes manually (see how below)

Importing attributes through Integrations

Most Savio users will have attributes added automatically when they integrate their support or other customer communications tools. Savio automatically pulls in attributes from:

To pull in attributes from these tools, simply connect your tool using our instructions for integration.

Importing attributes using the Savio API

You can also add attributes using our API. Instructions for using the API to create or update People and Companies can be found here.

When you are creating or updating People and Companies through the API, add attributes using the “filterable_attributes”.

Managing attributes in Savio

Each attribute has the following fields associated with it:

  • Attribute: This is the name of the attribute in your source tool or provided through the API.

  • Display Name: This is the name we use in Savio when this attribute is displayed.

  • Filters: This field tells you what the attribute is connected to and what it filters. All attributes are connected to either a Person or a Company.

  • Type: This field tells you what type of data the attribute holds. All attributes hold either text (“String”), numbers (“Float”), or “True/False” data.

  • Show in Filters: This field tells you if this attribute is currently included in Savios filters. You can edit this to either include or exclude any attribute in filters.

  • Show with User Info: This field tells you if the attribute is currently displayed with a Person’s name and other information. You can edit this field to either include or exclude an attribute from being displayed with the other Person information.

You can see that the fist attribute in this list is called “about_us” in the source tool. The HubSpot logo indicates that the attribute was imported from HubSpot. The name displayed in Savio is “About us”. It is connected to Companies and will filter feature requests and feedback by company. It holds “String” data. And it isn’t shown in filters or displayed with other User information.

Changing attribute Settings

To edit an attribute, click on it.

To edit the “Is lighthouse” field, click on the “is_lighthouse” hyperlink.

You can edit the following attribute fields:

  • Display Name: This is the name of the attribute as it’s displayed in Savio. Edit the text to change the display name.

  • Show in Filters: This tells Savio whether or not to include this attribute in the filters you use to organize your feature requests and feedback data. Check the box to be able to filter by this attribute. Uncheck the box if you don’t want to filter requests or feedback by this attribute.

  • Show with User Info: This tells Savio whether or not to display this attribute with the other Person information. Check the box to display the attribute. Uncheck the box to stop displaying it.

For the “is_lighthouse” attribute, we can change the name in Savio by editing the “Display Name” field. This attribute is currently shown in filters and also displayed with other user information.

When you check “Show In Filters”, the attribute will appear in the feature request filters.

We can filter our feature requests by “Is Lighthouse” because we checked the “Show in Filters” box.

When you check “Show With User Info”, the attribute will be displayed with other Person information.

We can see the “Is Lighthouse” attribute with other user information because we checked the “Show With User Info” checkbox.

Two special attributes: MRR and Plan

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Plan are two special attributes in Savio. They’re special because they are both always displayed with user information. MRR is also special because Savio uses the MRR from each company or Person to calculate the total MRR for a given feature request.

Here’s how it works at a high level:

To use Savio optimally, you have to tell Savio which attribute should be used for MRR and which should be used for Plan. Only one attribute can be assigned as MRR and only one can be assigned as Plan.

Assigning the MRR attribute

To tell Savio which attribute should be used to calculate MRR, do the following:

1. On the Customer Attributes page, find the attribute that holds your customer’s MRR data and click on it.

Our MRR attribute is called “monthly_spend”.

2. Check the “This Attribute Stores The Customer’s MRR” box.

Now Savio will use that attribute to calculate the total MRR for a given feature request.

The “Total MRR” of a feature request is calculated using the MRR attribute.

It will also show you the MRR of a given Person and Company

MRR is always displayed with other User information.

Assigning the Plan attribute

To tell Savio which attribute should be used to indicate your customer’s plan, do the following:

1. On the Customer Attributes page, find the attribute that holds your customer’s plan data and click on it.

Our plan data is held in the attribute called “plan”.

2. Check the “This Attribute Stores The Customer’s Plan” box.

Now Savio will use this attribute to indicate a customer’s plan when they give feedback.

The Plan attribute is always shown with other User information.

Using attributes To filter feature requests

Once attributes are set up, they offer a powerful way to filter and find feedback and feature requests that are consistent with your company’s current goals. For example, you might want to prioritize the features requested by your lighthouse customers. Or those by the customers with the highest MRR. Or those by customers that are on a given plan.

To filter by an attribute, do the following:

1. Select the “Feature Requests” page from the left side menu.

2. Click the filter icon beside the “Add New Feature” button.

3. Select the attribute you want to filter by and click “Filter Requests”

We’re choosing to filter so that only feature requests with an MRR over $500 are shown.

Savio will now show you only those feature requests that meet your filter criteria.

Here, only those feature requests that have a total MRR over $500 are shown.

Notice too that within each feature request, only feedback that meets the criteria is shown.

Here, only the two pieces of feedback from companies with over $500 in MRR are shown because that was what we filtered for. There are 3 more pieces of feedback that are hidden because they don’t meet our filter criteria.

Manual attributes

Savio’s power comes from its ability to slice and dice your customer feedback and feature requests based on customer attributes. Normally, those attributes are brought in through the tools that Savio integrates with. However, there are some circumstances where you may want to add attributes manually:

  • When Savio doesn’t have an integration with the tool you’re using.

  • When there are attributes that you want to track that are not stored in an external tool.

How to add attributes manually

To add an attribute manually, do the following.

1. Log into Savio, click your name in the top right corner, and click “Settings”.

2. Scroll down to the “People And Company Attributes” box and click “Manage attributes”.

3. Click the “New Attribute” button.

4. Fill out the fields and click “Save New Attribute”.

Here is a description of each field:

  • For: Select whether the attribute applies to a Person or to a Company from the dropdown menu.

  • Display name: Type in a name for your attribute. This is how it will appear in Savio.

  • Type: Choose the type of information that the attribute will hold.

  • “String” holds text and alphanumeric data
  • “True/False” holds logical “yes” or “no” data
  • “Float” holds numeric values with decimals
  • “Integer” holds numeric values but does not permit decimals

  • Show in filters. When checked, you’ll be able to see this attribute in the filters on the feedback and feature request pages. (Learn more about filtering by attributes.)

  • Show with User Info: When checked, this displays the attribute beside a person’s name throughout the Savio app. (Learn more about how attributes are displayed.)

  • This attribute stores the customer’s MRR: When checked, Savio will use this attribute to calculate MRR. (See above for more on the MRR attribute and how it works).

  • This attribute stores the customer’s plan: When checked, Savio will use this attribute to display a customer’s plan. (See above for more on the Plan attribute and how it works).

In this example, we’ve added an attribute called “Lost Deal MRR” where a sales team member can estimate the value of monthly revenue for a deal that was lost. The deal applies to a Company. The display name is “Lost Deal MRR”. The type is “Integer” because we want the attribute to store numerical data but it doesn’t need to have a decimal. We’ve checked “Show in filters” so that we can use the attribute to filter feedback and feature requests, and we’ve checked “Show with User Info” so it will be displayed with all user info around the Savio app.

Now, your new attribute will be displayed in your list of attributes.

Tip: You know which attributes were added manually because they have the Saivo logo beside them. Also, all Savio attribute names begin with “savio_”.

How to update manual attributes for a Company or Person

Most attributes are updated in Savio when they are updated in their source tool. Manual attributes are not updated by a tool, so you have to update them yourself. To update a manual attribute, do the following:

1. Navigate to a piece of feedback. If you want to update a Company attribute, click the edit icon beside the Company name. If you want to update a Person attribute, click the edit icon beside the Person’s name.

In the previous example, we created a Company attribute. So, here, we’ll click on the Company to update that attribute.

2. Now enter a new value in the attribute field.

Here, we set the Lost Deal MRR to 2,000.

Now, that attribute will be changed for that Company or Person throughout Savio and you can use it to filter and prioritize your feature requests.

Tip: Customize your Feature Request page columns to include your manual attributes. That will let you see the attribute on the feature request page. It’s especially useful for rolling up integer and float values into totals to appear beside a Feature Request. For example, if we wanted to see Lost Deal MRR for each Feature Request, we could show Lost Deal MRR on the Feature Request page.

Last Updated: May 11 2021