Importing People, Companies, and Attributes

People, Companies, and Attributes are critical to the power of Savio. In this article, we’ll explain why they’re important and how to import them. We’ll cover:

Why assign People, Companies, and Attributes?

In Savio, all feedback comes from a Person, and each Person belongs to a Company. Both People and Companies have Attributes (like MRR, plan, etc).

When you send feedback to Savio, you assign it to a Person.  This lets you:

Adding People and Companies through an integration

For most Savio users, People, Companies, and Attributes will be imported automatically from your customer communication tools—Intercom, Zendesk, Help Scout, Hubspot, or Salesforce.

Savio imports customers when you set up an integration. Learn how to connect your support tool here.

The Segment integration works a little differently. You can read how to set it up here.

Adding People manually

You can also add People manually into Savio. Here’s how:

1. Navigate to the “All Feedback” page and click the “New Feedback” button.

2. Next to the “Person” dropdown menu, click the “Add New” button.

3. Fill in the fields. Name is a required field; put in your customer’s full name. Email and Company are optional but recommended. Then click the “Save New Person” button.

Add new People with only a name, email, and Company.

Editing People

If you need to change the Attributes of a Person, you can do that within your support tool and it will be automatically updated in Savio.

You can also edit a Person from within Savio. Do this by navigating to a piece of their feedback from within a feature request. Then click the “Edit” icon beside their name.

From there, you can change the Person’s name, email address, or Company.

Adding Companies manually

Each Person can belong to a Company (if Companies are relevant to you). Companies give you another way to slice and dice your feedback data.

Most users will have their Companies imported automatically when they connect a support or customer communication tool. But you can also add them manually.

First, follow the steps above to add a new Person. Then, when choosing from the Company dropdown menu, you can type in the name of the Company you’d like to add. Finish by clicking the “Save New Person” button. The new Company will be added automatically and associated with your new Person.

Here, we’re adding a new Company called Mega Corp.

Editing Companies

Again, the easiest way to edit Company Attributes is through your support or communications tool—Zendesk, Hubspot, Intercom, and others. Savio will then automatically pull in that updated information.

But you can also edit Companies manually in Savio. First, navigate to a piece of feedback from a Person at the Company you’d like to edit. Then click the “Edit” icon beside the Company name.

Note that you can only edit a company’s name in Savio. You can’t edit other attributes in Savio.

Click the edit icon beside “ThornCo” to edit that Company’s information.


People and Companies have Attributes that help you understand their value to you and let you more easily filter your feedback and feature requests.

For example, monthly recurring revenue (MRR) and customer plan are two Attributes that Savio displays to make it easy to understand whether a customer is high-value or not. They also let you easily filter your feedback and feature requests to find, say, all feedback from customers on your Enterprise plan or that spend more than $500 a month.

Importing Attributes

Attributes are imported from your support or customer communications tools when you connect those tools with Savio.

Changing Attribute settings

You can change which Attributes are displayed and can be used for filtering.

1. Go to “Settings”.

2. Under “People And Company Attributes”, click “Manage Attributes”.

3. You’ll see a list of the Attributes that currently exist. Click on the name of the Attribute to edit it.

We’re clicking on the “is_lighthouse” to edit the “Is Lighthouse” Attribute.

You can edit the name of an Attribute as well as choose between four other Attribute options.

For any given Attribute, you can change whether it will show up in your filters, whether it will be displayed with user information, whether it represents MRR, and whether it represents a customer’s plan.

Show In Filters: When this option is checked, Savio will let you filter your feature requests by this Attribute.

Read more: Filtering Feedback and Feature Requests in Savio

Show With User Info: When checked, the value of this Attribute will be displayed wherever a customer is displayed. Note that MRR and Plan Attributes are always displayed.

Notice that MRR and Plan Attributes are always displayed with your Users’ Information. Other Attributes are only displayed if you set them to show with user information.

This Attribute Stores The Customer’s MRR: When checked, Savio will use this Attribute to calculate the customer’s MRR. MRR is displayed with user information and is also used to calculate the total value of a given feature request.

This Attribute Stores The Customer’s Plan: When checked, Savio will use this Attribute to set the customer’s plan. Customer plans are always displayed with user information.

Last Updated: May 3 2021