User Management: Get Your Team on Savio

You have a shiny new feedback vault in Savio. Here’s how to get your team all set up to use it. In this article, we’ll cover:

Note: Some roles are currently paid and others are free. The information below was current at the time of writing but may have changed. See our pricing page for the most current pricing details.

What is a “user” in Savio?

Users are members of your team that can access Savio or submit feedback to your feedback vault. These aren’t your customers—your customers don’t need to join Savio to give you feedback. They just give it to you through your regular communication channels (Intercom, Help Scout, email, etc.) and Savio centralizes it in your feedback vault.

Users are the people on your team that need to log into Savio. You’ll need a Savio account for your teammates if they:

Note: You will NOT need a Savio account or user seat for your teammates if they submit feedback to Savio via:

  • Integration with a support tool

  • Integration with a CRM

  • The Slack integration

How to manage users

To see the Manage Users screen:

  1. Click your name in the top right corner of Savio.

  2. Click “Manage Users

Now you’re on the “Manage Users” page. You do all your user management from this page. It will show you everyone who is a current user and their role.

Your “Manage Users” page will look like this. You can see each user’s name, email, and role.

User roles

Users can have one of six roles in Savio: Owner, Admin, Manager, Contributor, Viewer, and Submitter. The roles are designed to help you include everyone who needs to be connected to your product feedback system without paying for extra roles you don’t need.

Owner: Owners can do everything in Savio. They can make feedback, edit feedback, and invite users. They can also change billing information. Typically only one or two people who are directly involved with managing payment for Savio need ownership roles. Owners are currently paid user roles.

Admin: Admins can do everything owners can do except change billing information. This is the best role for senior product team members responsible for setting up and configuring your feedback system, managing feedback and feature requests, building roadmaps, connecting integrations, and so on. Admins are currently paid user roles.

Manager: Managers can do everything except configuration tasks. They can submit feedback, triage, create, edit, filter, and sort feature requests, change roadmaps, close the loop, and more. Managers can’t configure workflows or change settings. They can’t, for example, customize your feature request list columns, connect integrations, or manager users. This role is best for say, junior product team members who use Savio to manage feedback, feature requests, and roadmaps but don’t need to configure it. Managers are paid user roles.

Contributor: Contributors can submit feedback and view everything, but can’t make changes—can’t triage, edit feature requests, or create roadmaps. This role might be appropriate for, say, a member of your Sales team who needs to send you feedback from prospects and wants to see it in Savio, but doesn’t need to manage your feedback system. Contributor roles are free.

Viewer: Viewers can see feedback, feature requests, and roadmaps but can’t create feedback or feature requests, or make edits. It’s ideal for developers and executives that want to dive into feedback, requests, and roadmaps, but who don’t need to submit feedback or make changes. Viewers are currently free.

Submitter: Submitters can submit feedback from the Savio Chrome Extension or from email, but they can’t view anything in Savio. This is ideal for members of your frontline teams—Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Support—that need to centralize the feedback they get, but don’t need to see it or manage it. Submitter seats are free.

Note: Anyone can submit feedback to Savio from Intercom, Help Scout, Zendesk, HubSpot, Salesforce, and Slack without being a Savio user or having a Savio account. They just need an account with Intercom, Help Scout, Zendesk, or the other tools they’d send feedback from.

Submitter Viewer Contributor Manager Admin Owner

Is this a paid seat?







Submit feedback via an integration

Submit feedback via Chrome extension

View, sort, and filter feedback, feature requests, and roadmaps inside of Savio

Triage feedback

Create and edit feedback, feature requests, and roadmaps in Savio

Send close-the-loop emails from Savio

Connect integrations

Make changes to Savio account settings and workflows

Make changes to billing information

Ideal for

Frontline team members that receive feedback and feature requests.

Developers and executives that want to see feedback, feature requests, and roadmaps.

Frontline team members that receive feedback and want to see it in Savio.

Junior PMs that manage feedback and feature requests.

PMs that manage feedback and feature requests and change settings.

PMs that manage feedback, change settings, and are responsible for billing information.

Adding users

There are two ways to add users: inviting individuals or setting up Auto Join.

Note: Only Owners and Admins can add new users in Savio. Also note that if you add an Owner, Admin, or Manager role, you’re adding paid seats. When you add new paid seats to your account, your invoice will be updated automatically. 

Inviting users

To invite new users, navigate to the “Manage Users” page. Then click the “Invite Users” button in the top right corner.

Now, fill in the email addresses of anyone you want to invite, separated by commas, and choose their roles.

Here, we’re inviting two users with “Submitter” roles.

You can see who hasn’t yet accepted their invitation on the main “Manage Users” page under the “Invites” tab. You can send a reminder email by clicking “Resend”. You can deactivate an invite by clicking “Revoke”.

The “Invites” tab shows everyone you’ve invited to join Savio. Click the “ᐧᐧᐧ” symbol to access the action menu and resend or revoke invites.

Auto join for submitters

If you have a large team, you might want to use Auto Join to add users. It lets everyone with the same email domain name join your Savio vault as a submitter without an email invite.

Note: You’ll still have to invite other roles with email invites. This is because adding other roles could change your invoiced amount, so you need to be explicit about inviting teammates to those roles.

To set up Auto Join click your name in the top right corner and click “Settings”.

Scroll down to “Submitter Chrome Extension Auto Join”. It’s disabled by default. Click the “Enable” link to turn it on.

Then type your company domain and click “Update Domain”. When you do, you’ll automatically allow anyone with an email address from that domain to submit feedback to Savio using the Chrome extension or via email.

Auto Join lets anyone with an email address from the specified domain automatically join your feedback vault as a Submitter.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You enable the Auto Join function.

  2. You tell your teammates to download the Savio Chrome Extension at

  3. Your teammate downloads the extension (instructions here).

  4. The user will be asked to register for Savio after they download and install the extension.

  5. Since Auto Join is turned on, they’ll automatically join your feedback vault in Savio once they register.

Now they’re a user in your vault with the Submitter role.

Editing users

You can edit users by clicking on their name on the “Manage Users” page or through the action menu by clicking on the “ᐧᐧᐧ” three-dot icon. 

Note: Only Owners and Admins can edit users.

Click on a user to edit their information or role, or click on the three-dot icon to open the action menu.

The information Savio keeps on users includes their name, email address, role, and team. You can edit each of those fields directly. Click “Update User” to save your changes.

Edit a user’s information by making changes directly to a field. Hit “Edit User” to save.

Deleting users

You can also delete users from the editing screen. You’ll see a red “Delete” button in the top right corner. Click that to delete the user.

You’ll be asked to confirm. Click “Delete User” to delete them permanently from your vault.

Last Updated: June 7 2023